A Tour of The Eternal Paradise
Journey into Eternity [Part 5]
See Part 1 – 4 Below
Part 1 , Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Scripture verse: John 14:1-4
In John 14:1-4, King Yeshua/Jesus proclaims with assurance this guarantee—
“Do not let your hearts be troubled.
You trust in God; trust also in Me.
In My Father’s house are many places to live.
If there weren’t, I would have told you.
Because I AM going there to prepare
a place for you.
Since I AM going and preparing a place for you,
I will return to take you with Me,
So that where I AM, you may be also.
Furthermore, you know where I’m going
And know the Way there.”
The Eternal Paradise
Up, up in the sky, by the heavenly way, beyond the blue sky, way, way past the azure, the chromatic shades of blue on the other side of the myriad of stars, somewhere far out in space, in the midst of galaxies, lies a “Castle in the Sky.” A shore line of wonders, a place of splendiferous bedazzlement of beauty. The Eternal Paradise.
“Behold the New Heaven
And the New Earth
Descending from the Hand
Of the Living God.
As we watch
With amazement!
A gift from our
Lord Yeshua/Jesus”
Based on Revelation 21:1-2
The Paradise in the Sky, a place whose “beauty” swirls around before your eyes like a gigantic cloud of diamond dust in motion, a beauty that blows your mind. When the awe of Eternal Paradise in the Sky dissipates, its beauty emerges: a spectacular, picturesque, breathtaking, awe-inspiring, amazement, a place of an undefinable, staggering, and incredible display of wonders.
A song in Psalm 66:1-5 proclaims this of the Lord:
“Sing joyful praise to God, all the Earth!
Sing about the Glory of His Name!
Tell the world how Glorious He is.
Say to God,
‘How awesome are your deeds!
Your enemies cringe before your mighty power.
Everything on Earth will worship you:
They will sing your praises,
Shouting Your Name in glorious song.’
Come and see
What our God has done,
What awesome miracles
He performs for people!”
The Eternal Paradise—
A place where you experience a harmonious synthesis of amazement and astonishment, a place where you have to pinch yourself to ascertain that you are alive, not just fantasizing. The Paradise in the Sky is a theater of astonishment, not a mythical experience nor a mythical imagination, but a place of inexplicable amazement, a place of secrets untold, a place where secrets are well kept.
Psalm 33:8-9 declares this of the Lord,
“Let all the Earth fear the Lord:
Let all the inhabitants of the world
Stand in awe of Him.
For He spoke, and it was done:
He commanded, and it stood fast.”
In Eternal Paradise, the greater your curiosity, the greater your inquisitiveness and your engrossment, the more you gape in wonderment and in fascination at all the lustrous specimens of grandeur and the more your mind craves to see more.
With each step you take to further explore and feed your curious mind, the wonders become greater. The charm and the attraction of the Paradise in the Sky will cause repentive, spontaneous poetry to arise naturally to your lips,
— the low whistle of astonishment —
you have stumbled onto wonders unlimited.
Welcome! Welcome to the Paradise in the Sky, a place of captivating magnetism, fascination; alluring, aesthetically lovely, and glamorously attractive.
The Charisma of Wonders – The Wonder of Wonders.
These are the handiwork of the creative mind of God—The Living God—The Maker of Marvels, the Foundation of Wonder, the Greatest on High—the Wonder Maker.
“O’ Lord God, the Almighty One
In humility I will ask this of Thee,
How did your mind conceive these wonders?
Is there anything too wonderful for You to do?
O’ Living God – You caress my soul.
You know beauty.
In Psalm 40:5, the psalmist lauds the Living God of Wonders thus:
“Many things hast Thou miraculously done
O’ Lord My God.
You have many wonderful plans for us.
There is none to be compared with Thee.
I would proclaim them, I would speak about them,
But there’s too much to tell!”
And in Psalm 34:1-3, the psalmist loudly offers accolades and magnifies the greatness of the magnificent One, the Living God in Glory, thus:
”I will bless the Lord at all time;
His praise shall continually be in my mouth.
My soul will make its boast in the Lord
The humble will see it and rejoice.
O’ magnify the Lord with me,
And let us exalt His name together.”
The Paradise in the Sky, a place that makes you feel alive, a place of calm, tranquility, a place that touches your very soul. It is the place, the ultimate goal, of all things natural, the assemblage of all things natural, and the best of natural scenery.
The Eternal Paradise is a large place; how large? Perhaps the size of the Earth we are living on or bigger. Just too many places to wander and many places to gape and stare at wonders; one might spend eternity gaping and staring. The wonders in this place seem to change themselves seasonally. From one wonder to a progression of wonders.