The Eden of Glory: The New Jerusalem
Journey into Eternity [Part 4] – Avidan
See Parts 1-3 below
Revelations 22:1-5
Revelations 21:10-12
In Eternal Paradise, somewhere in the central region of the planet, is a city—a city on a hill. A city glowing with light. A different kind of light, which I will call the Diamond light. Notable things about this city are
*the river that runs through it.
*the streets that sparkle like they are made of luxurious gems.
*the light that seems to be on indefinitely, like permanent day, and
*the see-through glass that surrounds it.
The City on a hill with light is totally different from the rest of the regions.
It must be the New Jerusalem (the Eden of Glory).
I was not allowed to go inside there.
The New Jerusalem –
“A city with a river,
whose streams make glad
the City of Our God, the Holy Place.
God is in the midst of her,
She shall not be moved.”
Psalm 46:4-5