Will you contend for your Faith?
1/5/25 10:34 PM
Who Hath Believe Our Report
Today, I just sat down and wanted to watch some highlights of a game, soon as I sat down, I heard go read the book of Jude.
So, here is what I heard. The order you see is how it was given me
V15: Why are the hard times coming?, why is the world under judgment?, Why is tribulation here?
-To convince this ungodly world, they are sinners! To convince people their ways are evil. To convince nations to repent. Look at you America, you’re a nation that governs through corruption, your laws are wicked, your leaders compromised, and your churches are run by wolves. I can’t be found in these churches. Why would I go there!? They don’t speak of me, there are no alters for prayer, no Bibles to read, and it’s all a show! Who is all this entertainment for? to distract you from me????????
V16 My people don’t know me, all they do is murmur, and complain as they walk in their own lust, always speaking evil; they care more about what others think, than what God thinks. Do they know what is required to get into heaven? Has anyone ever told them the truth in these front-lines “ministries”. It’s not just a prayer! It’s about giving your heart to the Lord, repenting for your sins (daily), turning from evil, and making him Lord of your complete life. That is day one of boot camp! each day you meet Him in his word, you pray and talk to Him, and He talks with you! You live each day humble before your God, giving thanks for all the little things you notice He does for you!
V18 Beware America, you are a nation of mockers and rebels. Who always walks in your own ungodly ways, why because you love it so. You can’t get enough of it!!!! Oh how I wonder, how long will this child continue to eat off the plate of trash from the world. Eating filth, lust, and greed every day, when will you be tired of such things? none of that is served in heaven, you seem to have lost your way! return my children while you can before its too late. The time is very, very late!
V4 Bewares of the wolves in your life, the wolves in your work, and the wolves in your church.
Certain men (&women) have crept (stalked their prey) in unaware. You never saw it coming did you church! you never saw this coming in your homes or your work, did you?? You never saw this coming in your schools? People who look proper, but wear a cloak of lust and greed. Look at how tech, it has started to take control of homes. It pushes lust, greed and pride in all forms on your phone, your tv programs, and entertainment for kids.
These wicked servants (wolves) operate in complete opposite to the Spirit of the living God. These filthy dreamers were ordained for such a time as this. Their actions expressly deny the Lord Jesus Christ, just to satisfy their flesh.
These wicked servants object to oversight, checks, and balances seeking to be their own authority by proclaiming to have fresh manna from heaven, overruling the King of Glory. They are lost in their own pride and desire to satisfy their own lustful goals against the church. Can you see it now??!!!
They despise righteousness, and accountability, speaking with wicked tongues perverting the precious gospels into a lewd gesture, a ponzi scheme. Turning a coveted divine calling into pay-for-play anointings. These motivational preachers sell gimmicks, such as blessings, financial resets, anointings, blessed water, and healing.
These are lies, to trick you. Seek your God for what you need! He is your Healer and Savior!
So how does one contend for faith, first you must have it. You must live in expectation of the Love of the Lord. You wait for Him, don’t be a loose cannon. Read your bible, take notes, and listen to what He tells you. Keep yourself pure, look for the mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. You must contend you for your own faith, every day! avoid lairs, deceivers, false preachers, and prophets. They corrupt you slowly
Fight for your time with the Lord! Get mad when you see filthy, get rid of it! protect your heart, mind, and thoughts that you have toward the Lord.
You have to keep your heart clean before God. Look for those around you who are greedy, they never have enough or always want more; this is not a good sign to keep them close as hard times come near.
Who hath believed our report
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