China, Church, Pandemics, Plague, Prayer Request

Urgent Prayer Request from Wuhan

Urgent Prayer Request from Wuhan

Feb 13, 2020 10:30 AM
One of my contacts sent this today

This came around from a friend. Please pray for them:

Urgent Prayer Request from Wuhan

Dear families in Christ,
Peace to you in the Lord. Yesterday midnight, the Huangpu Church黄埔教会and the Hankou Church 汉口教会 in Wuhan asked Christians everywhere to urgently pray for them.

Many members of Huangpu Church are in critical and dangerous situations. Hankou Church has 20 over members suffering from the virus attack. Please lift up your hands to intercede for them.

Please read the message and forward to other Christians so that we can be united and pray for them. Don’t just restrict to your own small group; send to all who will pray whether inside or outside the small group. God knows that I believe in the communion of the saints, I believe in the forgiveness of sins. We believe in the resurrection of the body, we believe in eternal life in Christ, amen!

亲爱的家人们,主内平安,昨日零点时,武汉黄埔教会、和汉口教会,请求各地肢体为他们祷告,黄埔教会己有严 重,危险。汉口教会己有20多人病毒攻身发作,情况紧急。要被迫切为他们代求。看到信息的要转发给其他肢体 团结起来为他们祈祷。不要讲究方式或在群里,或在群外祷告神都知道,我信圣徒相通,我信心罪得赦免,我信身 体复活,我信永生,直到永远,阿们!



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