
Trouble – Rodney



8/8/24 1:03 AM
Jeremiah 14:19 KJV

“Hast thou utterly rejected Judah? hath thy soul lothed Zion? why hast thou smitten us, and there is no healing for us? we looked for peace, and there is no good; and for the time of healing, and behold trouble!”

I read Jeremiah 14:19 and I heard the Lord say,

“That time is soon now, son.”

Refer to the prophecy where the Lord said “Trouble” will be rampant

Link: https://444prophecynews.com/vision-and-word-of-the-soon-destruction-of-hypocrite-nation-babylon-america-rodney/

We are coming into a time where these questions Jeremiah asked God may be on our hearts as well. But I declare and decree that breakthrough will be your portion. Be not afraid; God will be on your right hand and you will not be moved, the devil will tempt and try to attack you, but know our weapons of warfare are not carnal but are powerful to the pulling down of strongholds.

Allow the Lord to use you in this time through your obedience to His Word and His Spirit. Though he chastises, he is faithful in showing his love by his holy reproofs. Remember our thoughts are not his thoughts nor are our ways His ways; his thoughts towards us are for good and to give us an expected end.

Always remember the Love of God will keep you, for God is love and as he shines his light upon your life, don’t hold back from being a light in this dark world and salt to the tongue, but Witness of his glory to the nations as the Spirit gives utterance.

Wait upon the Lord, for he comes. Let us all confess and turn from our sin. Call upon the name of the Lord and be saved. Be wise to do good and keep in obedience unto Him. Follow the calling he has given to you, knowing that faithful is he who calls and he who also will do it.




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