America, Biden, Prophecy

The Speech – Solitary Man

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

The Speech

March 11, 2014 2:32 PM
Solitary Man


(This word came to me as I was reflected on the American president’s state of the union address, at least the bits and pieces that were being discussed on alternative media).

What a sight. What a spectacle. Who would imagine such a thing? America the beautiful. America the proud. Once the envy of the nations. Now a laughingstock and an object of contempt. Your enemies shake their heads at you. They look, and they cannot believe. They hear, but they cannot trust their ears. Is this the once powerful nation that once ruled the whole earth? Is this the place that all aspired to move to?

How she has fallen! Her leader ranted and raved like a madman. Extolling war, abortion, and child sacrifice. Those are the things she stands for. Those are the things your leaders stood up and rejoiced over. They nodded and were exultant that America has now become the land of ultimate abomination. A place that praises the most detestable things.

Look at your nation, America, see the ancient spirits that now are in full control of your leaders. See what you have become.

Yet for all this, you continue to refuse to see. My people still cannot grasp what is plainly visible before their eyes. It is I who have done this unto you. It is I who have sent these wicked spirits of death and destruction into your lands. It is I who have turned over your leaders to the evil one. You refused to acknowledge me. You refused to bend the knee to me. So now bend the knee to your true god. Bend the knee to Moloch, the devourer of children.

The land is under a curse. The land itself will be against you. It will not produce its yield. It will eat up its inhabitants.

At the outset of my total judgments, America produced a song. Not a dirge, not a lamentation, but a song. A song of blessing. A song that stated that I am for you. I am for you.

Yet I say unto you that I will strike the instruments of mirth and gaiety out of one hand, and the sound of frivolous singing out of the other. I am not for you. I am against you. Because you kept encouraging yourself in your lies and in the evil imagination of your heart, I will yet punish you further for your stubbornness and your sin. You refuse to acknowledge me in judgments, so you shall receive no mercy in what I am sending next. Mercy was available, but you refused to bend the knee. You refused to fall on your face and humble yourself. Instead you turn to men as your hope. Elon Musk cannot save you. Donald Trump cannot save you. The voices on alternative media have no power to deliver you. Go ahead, and chase after those things that cannot profit. As Judah refused to hear my voice so long ago, so America has chosen to go down the same path.

Compare the speech of your enemy Putin to your leader’s that I have set before you. One extols the importance of family, the other extols the importance of abortion. One gives tax breaks for families who have many children, the other one says his priority is to promote and protect the castration of his nation’s children. One speaks of putting his nation first, the other speaks of destroying it utterly through unrighteous wars.

America, your time has come. Soon my destroying angel shall be sent to begin executing my final judgment upon you. If only you had listened when you still had the chance! Now the judgment is set, the decree has been sealed. Prepare yourselves for what is to come.

To those of my body who still have ears to hear, do not despair. You all have roles to play. You will be sent out on search and rescue missions. One will be given a burden to pray. Another will be given a command to go, yet others will be given orders to proclaim. There are many prisoners in Babylon that need rescuing. While your land has run its course, I am open to the cries of the individual.

In my wrath, I still remember mercy. I will decide who to save, and who to give over to their wickedness. Who will volunteer to go into hostile territory and snatch those who are about to perish? What price are you willing to pay to save another man’s soul?

These are the times that will try men’s souls. The darkness is coming and is already here. Who is that faithful and wise steward that has filled their lamp with oil and kept it burning, ensuring plenty of supply for that final day? I say unto you that those who kept their lamps burning shall in no wise lose their reward.

Solitary Man

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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