The Reality is That Many Will Take the Vaccine
January 30, 2021 10:53 PM
God has blessed me with a good job. As a government employee (and deemed essential worker) my office had been notified that the Covid-19 Vaccine would soon be made available to us. Unfortunately I had been on leave from work for some time and when I returned I discovered that a few of my friends had taken the first dose of the Vaccine. The day I got back to work and out of real concern I began asking my friends whether they had taken the vaccine or not. I’m not normally bold but the fear over their eternal salvation prompted me to step out. There were no words for those who had already taken the Vaccine but for those who hadn’t I tried to dissuade them. Thanks to this site 444ProphecyNews I was able to share a few posts with my friends about why taking the Covid-19 Vaccine was not in their best interests. And thankfully there were a few like me who had refused it as well.
Note that most of my friends are non-believers but a few were Christians and practicing Catholics. Of this group some had taken the Vaccine and those who didn’t were looking forward to taking it. Even after sharing the fact that their DNA would be altered and that aborted fetuses were used in the testing of the Vaccine the response was always the same. It was either concern over losing a job, concern over their health but most importantly concern over not wanting to die. l began to feel like how Jesus must have felt when He overlooked the city of Jerusalem and wept because He knew it would one day be destroyed. These people had no clue what they had just done or what they were about to do. I thought to myself how these same friends who had said they wouldn’t take the Vaccine were now changing their minds. I felt betrayed. Then the Holy Spirit gave me this brief message (1.29.21)
They will buckle. They will sway. My daughter you will be strong in the Lord, in His power and might. Be strong in the Lord. Do not rely on yourself. Do not rely on your own understanding for you cannot withstand alone the wiles of the devil. He is crafty, he is a worthy opponent. But fear not for I have conquered the world. Amen. Amen. I say to you do not fear who can harm the body but he who can harm the soul. Sheol awaits many who have fallen under his spell. Fear not I will be with you always until the end of time.
Your Savior and Lord
Yeshua HaMamashiach
He who Saves
Amen Amen
I Am
We will certainly need to stand strong in the Lord in the coming days. I pray that more people open their eyes to the truth of the spiritual dangers of taking the Covid-19 Vaccine and that they begn to rely on the Holy Spirit, Yeshua and the Father to sustain them body, soul and spirit.
Scripture Revelation
Isaiah 41:10 10 ‘Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’
John 16:33 33 “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”
Matthew 10:28 28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.