The most important time on earth now begins
April 12, 2021 10:12 PM
Lynne Johnson
Word received January 11th, 2021 at 11:44 PM by Lynne Johnson
My children, the time has come for the Harvest of Souls. The most important time on earth now begins. You are about to embark on a journey that will be like no other. Much excitement, much joy. Also great sorrow for those who will not accept or understand the ramifications of their decision here on earth until it is too late. Many will not choose wisely but it is their decision. You must concentrate on those that I send to you as they have been called. It is this group of lost sheep that you are called to help bring into the Kingdom of Heaven. They will come as you speak and perform miraculous exploits in My Name, for My Glory. Yes, those called will hear the truth, the gospel and enter into great joy. You will succeed. The evil one will not be able to harm you or stop the truth, although he may try. You will know what to do as I will tell you and guide you. You will not fear. Have I not told you that this is the time of fulfillment of My Word. Nothing can stop you as you work for MY Kingdom Glory!
As I have said the time of the Harvest is short but it will be an amazing time. When your work is done and the last sheep has chosen the Kingdom of Heaven then you will come home to Me. Never to leave Me again! My children, I AM waiting for you with such great excitement and joy! You truly have no idea of what awaits each of you, My precious jewels. Things beyond your imagination which will
bring you such joy. Wait for it, My children, for it will happen sooner than you expect.
Your King Yeshua, Your Redeemer, Messiah
Wait for it, for it surely comes!
Scriptures Given:
Acts 2:28 NKJV
“You have made known to me the ways of life; you will make me full of joy in your Presence.”
Romans 2:4 NKJV
“Or do you despise the riches of His goodness, forbearance, and longsuffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance?”
1 Corinthians 2:9 NKJV
“But as it is written: Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man
the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”
1 Thessalonians 4:17 NKJV
“And then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to
meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.”