No Greater Love
December 9, 2020 2:30 PM
Marie Fair
My son, my daughter, come to me and i will give you rest. In Me you will find Eternal rest for your souls. Deep calls out to deep. To the one who worries how will i feed and clothe my baby boy, i say unto you i am a Fther to the fatherless, a defender of widows. I was born in a barn, surrounded by unclean surroundings and yet my father clothed me with humanity and i drank from the cup which he had given me to drink. I will never leave you nor forsake you. Be ye not afraid for i did not give you a spirit of fear, but of Power, Love and a sound mind. My love for you my precious one is unconditional, Do not look to the right nor unto the left. Yes, chaos abounds, and i see the waves, of blood , and i hear the sound of war, and i hear the screams for help. Yet, you are mine, and my love for you is steadfast for you have trusted in me and sought my face. My my children know my voice and they will not follow another. They will run free in fields of endless flowers. Come let me breathe on you, take my hand my child, the day has come let us run free forever.
You are forever my love, Yeshua.
Scripture reference…..John 3:16/ Romans 5:8/ Galatians 2:20/ 1st Corn.13:13/1st John 4:8
Sister Marie Fair