My ArMy it is TiMe we are moving out.
Lesson Number 40
August 25, 2021 11:18 AM
The Messenger
Received 8/24/21 Close To 9 PM
My son take these short words down for My Worthy, First Fruits, Harvesters to hear. My Worthy ones who are ready I am sending My SON, Jesus The Christ to coMe get you. You are more ready than most and all of you have a working realtionship with Me Your Father The Creator Your Abba , Jesus The Christ, My Anointed SON and My Holy Spirit. Each in My Army, My Holy Spiritual marines are ready to go and do what I have called you to do. It is time it is go time and as well time to go . My Worthy you all either know your assignMents or will know very shortly, for each of you I have had long talks with about many things. My Worthy you have made yourselves ready says Me Your Father Your Creator. So I just wanted to say Get ready, grid yourselves , get into your posts for My Army My Holy , ready spiritual Army of My People My First Fruits are moving out. Get ready , training starts for most in a twinkling of an eye to learn what you will be required and need for the battlefield. Than I your Father your Creator will turn you loose to bring My Wheat into My Barn . I love all of you, much peace love and joy to you My Worthy
End of Message
Your Holy Father , Your Creator.