Messages Part 3
December 11, 2020 10:21 PM
Behold NOW Is The Day Of Salvation
3 June 2018
This is a very important time in your life and in your families life. You and your family must be able to hear the Voice of My Spirit. Pray for others that they will be able to hear the Voice of My Spirit also. I will lead you and your family and all that will seek Me, but all must seek Me with all of their heart! For My leading and instructions will see you through these coming hard times. My instructions will keep all safe who heed the Voice of My Spirit. All of you who are Mine, must learn to hear the Voice of My Spirit, NOW! For soon trouble and chaos will overwhelm all, especially the unbelievers, and it will be difficult for My people to hear the Voice of My Spirit then, if they don’t know how to hear My Spirit NOW!
I AM a God of Grace, a God of Love. I protect those who are Mine, those who have accepted Me as their Savior and King. I AM your friend, not your foe. Many evil things are being planned against the people of this nation, and especially against those who love Me, those who have accepted Me as their Savior. I want you to know that when bad things start happening, when planned evil events and disasters occur, that are meant to harm the people of this nation, know, know, for sure that I have not forgotten you, My People! I will save those who are Mine! Tell My People, when the earth cracks and breaks apart underneath you, know I AM with you! When great earthquakes and volcanoes come upon you, My angels are there with you. They will catch you and lift you up, even when you are falling. I will save many alive, because their work here is not completed yet. But many who have run their race and have kept their faith in Me, I will bring home, because they are more than ready to come home and My Father and I can’t wait to be with them either. Those who come home to Me will not even feel the pain of death, for I will bring those who love Me and serve Me quickly and speedily away from death and destruction to be with Me
A great disaster, which is not of Me, but is of the evil one and by the wicked that are his, is planned against this nation, and against My people. This great destruction will stretch from the West to the East, to kill and to destroy. I quickly asked, Father, please, stop this from happening! And He said, “Prayer Changes Things” But Father, your people don’t know about this, to pray against it. The Father said, “My People should be praying always and without ceasing, and when they do, I will reveal to them all things of small and of great importance to pray about, and to continually seek Me with all of their heart.” Today is the day and NOW is the time for all to pray. Those who know Me and those who don’t know Me must pray. For the times will quickly come when those who don’t know Me will suddenly be swept into eternity, then it will be too late. For others who are still here, don’t they know that because of their choices to reject Me and to reject My Love, and My free Gift of Salvation, that the Gates of Heaven will soon be shut to them, then it will be too late.
A great deception is soon coming upon this world, when the fallen ones, the angels who fell with satan, are revealed. They will claim to be your creators. They will deceive many who are not of Me, and all who are evil will run to them, and many will be persuaded who are innocent and others who are of a simple mind, will be talked into believing them. My people, time is running out. Are you listening to My Voice? Are you hearing what I AM saying? Yes, I Am speaking to you. This world is falling apart, sin is destroying your earth. My judgments will soon begin. I AM not willing that any should perish. My Son came to earth and took on a flesh body, He lived a sinless life, showing to all that living a sinless life if possible. Then evil men put Him to death, He died willingly to pay the penalty for sin for all men. Jesus, Yahushua made it possible for all that would believe on Him, that they would not perish, but would have everlasting life. Please come to My Son, Yahushua and believe in Him and receive everlasting life. A Glorious future is planned for you for eternity. You don’t want to miss it, choose NOW, for behold, NOW is the day of salvation!
Your Heavenly Father,
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Be Led By The Holy Spirit
20 February 2020
I AM coming for those with pure DNA, are you living a pure life, if I came today?
Don’t limit Me, I can move very fast, remember, I AM, the First and the Last.
I AM mobilizing an army for My Kingdom demonstration,
Between wheat and the tares, there will be a separation.
Warfare and opposition will steadily increase,
Little by little they are setting up, the mark of the beast.
Seek the Lord for new strategies, even our weapons must be new,
Don’t enter into World War three, using old weapons, from World War One and World War Two.
We must use what God has given us, or we will lose it,
Study His Holy Word and be led by His Spirit.
We need God’s help, through His Word, we must search,
Because the devil is planning, an attack on the Church.
Are you a warrior, or are you a wimp?
Put on the whole armor of God, then rebuke the demons and imps.
To whom much is given, much is required,
Seek His will and direction for your life, you don’t want to be fired.
We are entering into, the fight of our life,
The devil and the fallen ones, will increase trouble and strife.
Remember, we can do all things, through our Messiah who strengthens us,
In the Name of our Lord Yahushua, rebuke the devil, he must obey, just let him fuss.
Our battle against the enemy will become intense.
It’s time to receive and possess, our full inheritance.
Your time is running out, if you desire to repent, do it now!
At the Great White Throne Judgment, you will plead for your life, while you kneel and you bow.
Have you died to yourself, or are you living to please yourself?
Be led by the Holy Spirit, not by a demonic elf.
The devil is sending his phony christians to every church, to be stationed.
To keep America passive and unaware of what is about to take place, in the church and the nation.
Come and buy that which will bring Life to your soul,
It cost no money for you to become whole.
The famine of your heart can be satisfied,
come feed on My Holy Word, My Spirit will be your guide
If you’re hungry, an empty belly can be filled,
Come feast on My Holy Word freely, you will never be billed.
If you have nothing, come to Me,
The Holy Spirit will open your eyes, for you to see.
That I will provide everything you need,
if you seek Me, I will provide, Spiritual Seed.
Come receive from Me, I have everything to give,
learn about My Love, that your soul may live.
In the world, nobody knows who I AM, or what I can do.
Soon I will remove the wicked, and for My Bride, I will make all things new!
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