Justice Is Coming
December 10, 2020 5:47 PM
Travis Coffey
As stated in my last two articles through the Holy Spirit, the end times are quickly approaching. As we continue, we will experience trouble. But we are not to be alarmed, for Jesus will repay those who do evil. Or as 2 Thessalonians 1:6 states, “In his justice he will pay back those who persecute you.”
Again, justice is coming and justice will be served.
God will destroy the wicked and that is God’s justice.
Like in John 8, when Jesus protected and stood up for the adulterous woman, so will He protect and stand for Christians against the enemy.
In Jesus’ message for us today, He is making it very clear about what will occur: God and His people will win and Satan and his followers will lose.
Here is what He states:
“My people, listen to Me for I speak very important things. You are not to take this lightly.
I am coming and coming soon. Sooner than many think.
I will put My enemy behind Me. I will stomp on his head, like the snake he is.
I will win and I will be victorious.
And rejoice for you are on the King’s side. You are with the King’s soldiers. You will win for I will win.
There will come a time when no one can touch you. You will have My glory shining through you and you will be magnificent and beautiful. You are a beautiful human and I love you very much. You will have adversity, but in the end you will win. And during, you will shine like a city on a hill.
My people it is time, for a dividing line is coming (see article: A Dividing Line Is Coming) and I will raise up My people and give them greater power and glory and strength. They will represent Me in the world and I will shine through them and do miraculous things in their lives. I will reward My people for they are winners. They are never losers for they are like Me. I don’t know how to lose – I only win.
Be on My side My people – don’t look back – but keep with Me.
The enemy is going to be destroyed and all of his followers with him.
Do not reject Me for pain will follow and inflict upon you. That is not a warning, but the truth.
Be with Me and allow Me to work on My enemies mind – I will turn many, but not all.
Come to Me for I will show you who you are and what I want you to be doing and who I want you to become.
I love you all.
Come to Me.”
~Travis Coffey~