Jesus’ word to the Native Americans
August 6, 2020 7:28 PM
Mike M
July 4, 2020
Jesus impressed upon me his great love for the Native American peoples. He loves them….a LOT. And he will repay for what has been taken. No deed against them has gone unnoticed. The blood cries out. The broken promises, the lies, and the injustice have been accounted, just as it is for any of all people. My heart flooded over with love for this people as Jesus spoke to my spirit/heart about them. (I lost the original recounting of what he said, but the content is definitely contained in what I have written here). I always had great love and respect for this people. I have been welcomed in their pow wows and given names of honor. I have worshiped at a first nations conference and given words to share with the Native American Christians in attendance. My spirit calls unto their spirit. Deep calls unto deep. My Father is from the oldest city in Italy. Perhaps this is the connection? That I have in me the same DNA for/as an indigenous people? Sovereignty of land and purpose is something very important to the Lord, as we see with the people of Israel.
I could feel that Jesus, Yeshua, could feel their every hurt, betrayal-the theft of their land and their ways. For to who did the best that they knew, God sent out his spirit to them and accounted it unto them as righteousness for his name’s sake when they had not heard if him. The Lord is a spirit and he sent forth his spirit unto them each before their death because he is a just and fair God. And what he established, no man can lay assunder, Jesus says. And he is calling them/you now! To know him-the one true great spirit, apart from all religions of Catholicism and denominations, but to know him and walk with him in the cool of the day on the land that he created-you his best masterpiece. Call on him and he will show you great and wonderful things. He can change the unseen without you seeing. You will rise with him in his glory as it was intended. You are the closest to the earth and it’s beauties and gifts. These teachings passed down are to be honored, for in it you will find Jesus’ truth seeded for he is always influencing. He can and will continue to speak to you in this way, because he is God. The earth and the fullness thereof are his creation and he can do what he wants with them. Jesus is free to get out of the box of religion and the confinement of buildings and societal structures. He is a free agent. He is free range. Amen. Hallelujah! His highest praise and honor.
Original article can be found here