November 26 2020
Edward Umling
Behold I bring calamity on this Nation says the LORD.
This people shall fall by the sword. Its rulers shall go into hiding. From the clefts of the rocks shall I search them out.
None shall escape.
Though they ascend as high as the eagle from there shall I bring them down.
Though they descend to the depth of the sea from there I command the serpent to bite them.
• I bring this Nation down,
• I bring this Nation down,
• I bring this Nation down says the LORD.
See how I smite the Nation and remove its rulers.
To whom can you compare Me to says the LORD. Unto whom will you liken Me?
I vindicate My Righteous Name. Behold now I move the Nation to the left, I move the Nation to the Right. I the LORD, alone do these things.
Look My Holy ones are with Me!
[pdf-embedder url=”https://444prophecynews.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/propheticwordnovember262020-2.pdf” title=”propheticwordnovember262020 (2)”]
Original article can be found here