Get Your Head in the Game
July 15, 2020 4:27 AM
Shannan Howlett
Received in 2012
Hearken My team: You are no longer side-line players.
You are people of faith – healing the sick – raising the dead – Goliath slayers.
In the past you have been content to be 2nd string.
You have been out of the game for so long, you have done your own thing.
You said in your heart we are not A-team players, we are just here for support.
The Head Coach is now calling – it is time for you to report.
Hear this Body of Christ – nothing is impossible with God.
So get in the game, He is giving you the nod.
I am calling you out, I am saying, “Go toward.”
As I told Moses, “Don’t cry out to Me this day, go forward!”
Go toward the obstacle that has been placed in your path.
Command that mountain or Red Sea to move or it shall incur My wrath.
Body of Christ you are now needed in the game.
Don’t worry about your personal skills or abilities, all you need is My name.
This is the day for everyone to move front and center.
In the power of One, My anointing they will enter.
So put on your gear (armor) and pick up your weapons and fight.
Stand in fastings, prayer and praise – speak forth the Word of Light.
Most importantly of all continue to abide,
I never sleep or slumber, I will never leave your side.
The heavenly host will be cheering you on.
Come quickly Lord Jesus is the victory song.
Final Score-
The enemy has been defeated, at the cross his power depleted.
The church is triumphant in the power of His name. They rose up in faith
And unity and won the game!