Fierce Love
October 1, 2020 12:33 PM
Hi there
I received a word. I wrote it down. It did bless me & my family. If you are led to share. I pray it would bless others. Thank you. I have received several other words over lately also.
Information Received: August 28, 2020, 6 pm.
This fierce love
This great knowledge
Every person, every hair on every head;
Every tear out of every eye;
Every sparrow that ever fell;
I see, I know, there is nothing, that I do not know!
What do you want to know?
Ask me, for, I am knowledge
Who is your defender?
Who fights every battle?
Who goes before you?
Who is with you?
Who carries you?
Who goes after you?
Who chases you?
Who will not let go?
Who will not give up?
Who has the victory? Who has every victory?
Do you know what glory is?
It is through my blood.
Repent & be cleansed.
Who knows your tomorrow?
My sword is like none other
My hand has saved you when you didn’t know it.
I was with you when you did not acknowledge me.
I knew you before you ever were. I was waiting for you. So great was my longing to bring you forth. How I rejoice over you.
Stand on my word.