Dream, Word

Dream/Word: For Many The Door of the Ark is Already Closed. – Sietske Sandra

DREAM, April 4th 2019 3:05AM

(Thursday night, day begins with evening acc. to Genesis, so right after Wednesday and writing this on Thursday morning)

This last night I dreamt that I knew that there were more people but I did not see them on the great sea as 1 woman did. Cause there was a huge heavy storm with clouds very close to the water of this great sea (though it was not completely pitch dark, there was some light noticed between clouds and waters). I only saw this woman as she rose from out of the sea and she literally ran over the sea towards a ship. She rose in such absolute strength from out of the sea waters as it didn’t cost her any effort. With her long white garment tightly moving (swirling) against her body cause of that strong ‘east’ wind I saw vividly. END DREAM.

After this dream the Lord spoke these words this morning; “The woman represents the bride (of Christ) , only the bride. And she does not doubt.”

The Lord reminded me (this Thursday morning) that this is not about Peter on the water.
The Almighty Israels brings also in remembrance related to the dream pertaining ship, 1st Nisan of 1st month biblical new year, New Moon which is this coming Saturday (also holy rest day). On this day Noah on 1st day 1st month built the Ark. Secondly He points out the resurrection day (3rd in Christ) counted from this thursday (that I had this dream) as the woman in the dream rose in such absolute strength from out of the sea waters as it didn’t cost her any effort. Even her face was white. Looked like transparent white.

Notes: the ‘east’ of great significance , like strong ‘east’ wind parting the Red Sea all night.
‘East’ gate city Jerusalem, King entering in.

This is what the Lord wants me to end with, as following words alongside this all, as I heard Him say this thursday morning after dream; “For many the door of the Ark is already closed, My bride knows this as if an inner door is closed inside of her.”


Sietske Sandra.


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