COVID vaccination will mean eternal spiritual death!
February 11, 2021 11:46 AM
Antonio of Brazil
During the first half of 2017 I was led by GOD to fast for 3 days. The next morning, I heard very clearly in spirit “Number 3 has the Keys to Heaven and Hell.” At that time, my wife was pregnant with my first child, a man. Since then I’ve tried to decode what that phrase means, mainly focusing on that maybe number three referred to Jesus.
In 2019 my second son was born, also a man.
Now, this year in early February I was convinced that in fact number three is talking about my third child, who will be born in March or April 2021, also man and means nothing related to him, but rather his birth date, which is very decisive!
In Brazil vaccination is now in full swing, and as I am a professor, I will probably be required to be vaccinated soon, probably around the date when my third male child will be born. I’m already being prepared by God to take a stand and not get vaccinated. I was thrilled to learn that before my first son God already knew that I would have 3 men and that the date of birth of the third would be decisive.
Therefore, it is clear to me that the COVID vaccination will mean eternal spiritual death!
I accept prayer for myself and my family.
All glory to GOD for this message!
God be with all of us!