June 15th 2021 6:13 PM
Thus says the Lord, who reigns over Zion, the I AM,
“My people shall dwell in booths, temporary homes, tents of meeting, alone with me in the wildnesses places. I shall dwell among them, I shall walk among them in the camp of the righteous.
I shall be a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night, I shall be your shade and I shall be your heat, I shall be your bread and living waters, I shall be unto you a garden of eden in the wilderness, in a dry desert I shall be your water.
I am moving my people to where I am also. I am calling them out into the wilderness. I am saying, “come” drink of the water without price, “come and dine with me”, “come and sit at my feet.
Babylon in fallen and soon you shall see her burning from afar off.
The fires and the floods will not come near to you, those whom have built their dwelling place in me, those who dwell on my mountain. You are high and lifted up above the storm, high and lifted up to walk upon the raging waters. You shall walk through the fire and floods and they shall not over come you.
You dwell in the secret place, you are hidden within my wings in my house, you are hidden away from the face of the serpent you are kept by my hand.
With one hand I shall hold and lead my sheep with a staff and with the others I shall strike the earth with a rod of iron. I shall make a great distinctions between my people. They will know that I have loved thee.
I shall be as a shining light upon a hill in the midsts of my people as Egypt is plunged into eternal darkness.
Come away with me, the time is now, do not slumber or sleep, keep awake, keep watch, I come quickly to those who know of my arrival and to the rest outside the gates, to those not perched upon my mountain the trial has come to you, fire awaits you, a refining fire to see what remains of you.”
Psalm 91 those who dwell in the secret place
Revelation 3 the church of Philadelphia
Revelation 12 hidden from the face of the serpent
1 Thess 5 Children of light
Exodus 10 Distinction they will have light
Isaiah 51 Comfort for Zion, her desert wilderness will be like Eden