Destruction, Dream, Earthquake, Rapture, Tsunami
Category: Earthquake
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America, Destruction, Earthquake, Martial Law, Prophecy
Prepare! SUDDEN DESTRUCTION! Return to me now, Repent! – Barbara Francis (Godshealer7)
Vision/Word: Earth Shaking / “They have no idea what the great and terrible day of the Lord will be.” – Patti Huson
Disease, Earthquake, Famine, The Mark
Many will willingly take the mark of the beast- Mitchell Bertram
Asteroid, Darkness, Earthquake, Vision
Visions: 2 Angels, 2 Doors; Sign in the Sky; ‘Falling Star’ Hits the USA; ‘Falling Star’ Hits West USA Followed by Two Earthquakes – Kim Weir
America, Dream, Earthquake, Foreign Troops, Video
Dream: California Earthquake, Dividing Israel, Famine, Tsunami, The Mark And 8 Countries Attack America – Constantine 1959
Earthquake, Obama, Trump, Vision
Vision: “I saw Trump and He Fades out Then appears Obama… I Felt The Earth Shake” – Sonya Leathers
Aliens, Demons, Earthquake, Rapture, Tsunami, Vision, Volcano
Vision of a 15 year old: While Rapture, deep utter chaos around the globe will happen –earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, aliens/demons invasion, etc – Belle Buerano
America, Earthquake, Judgment, Nuclear, Tsunami, Vision, Volcano
3 Visions: “This is the judgment like Sodom and Gomorrah and the plagues on Egypt. And so it will be for America, says the Lord.” – Jason L
Shifting and a Quaking – Catherine N Robert
End Times Tidbits and Revelations Hidden in Joe Brandt’s 1937 Vision – Glynda Lomax
America, Destruction, Earthquake, Prophecy, Vision
Vision/Word: Prepare my people that war is falling upon your land – Patti Huson
Asteroid, Earthquake, Nuclear, Prophecy
Earthquakes by meteorite falling in Brasil and other countries. Some with tsunami and atomic ruin – MAGDA
America, Earthquake, Economic Collapse, Vision
Vision: Hyperinflation and New Madrid Earthquake – Shane Warren
America, Asteroid, Destruction, Earthquake, Prophecy
America, Earthquake, Tsunami, Vision
Tsunami hitting the East Coast – Handmaid of the Most High
America, Attack, Earthquake, Nuclear, Vision, Volcano
Vision: What’s Coming to America – Randy Hecker
America, Attack, Destruction, Earthquake, Foreign Troops, Invasion, Judgment, Nuclear, Persecution, Prophecy, Troops, Tsunami