Be not afraid
June 27, 2021
Richard B.
Hello Fellow Brothers and Sisters In Christ,
My name is Richard and I have received several words from the Lord that I feel need to be shared with our fellow believers in Christ. I feel the Lord has impressed these words upon my heart and that He wants me to share what I have received from Him. I give you permission to use my name Richard B. God Bless You!
Friday June 18, 2021 2:07 PM Est.
I will walk by faith, even when I cannot see because this broken road prepares Your will for me. Not a moment goes by where I don’t think about you. In My presence you find your peace. A mighty earthquake is coming. Take heed that you have enough supplies. All your days are written in My book. You will do great things in My Name.
Friday June 25, 2021 2:00 PM Est.
For thus says the Lord, I am coming very soon for a bride that is spotless and without blemish. Look to Me for all of life’s answers. Do not be afraid for terrible things are coming upon this earth. I will protect you and be with you. Fear not for My hand holds you. I am in your midst always. You are My child and I love you. Have I not said, be of good courage and trust in the Lord your God. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. Look to Me for everything. Your life is in My hands. I have loved you since the beginning. You are My child and I am well pleased. I love you always, Jesus
Saturday June 26, 2021 11:46 PM Est.
Tell my children I love them and I am coming soon for them. This world is about to be thrown into darkness. The rulers of the darkness are about to be revealed. Be not afraid for I know who my children are and I will not abandon them or forsake them. I am with you always. Love, Jesus
Sunday June 27, 2021 10:30 AM Est.
For thus says The Lord, your world is about to be in pure chaos. Unimaginable events are going to happen very soon. Know that I am with you and you are safe in My arms. Brother will turn against brother and family against family. Keep your faith and trust in me as I am always with you. Your Messiah Jesus