Earthquake, Judgment, Pandemics, Plague, Prophecy

Ark of safety is within Me – Patti Young / jeffjacobs1990

Ark of safety is within Me

May 31, 2021 2:26 PM
Patti Young

The Lord began to speak and said, ” You are in that very hour, the hour where all will change. Come unto me, with pleadings of urgency I say come unto me, for man’s time is short. I come to bring salvation, but I also come to judge. I bring my judgements onto the earth, for her sins are grevious before me. My time is not as mans, for I have been patient and longuffering, but I no longer will be silent, for my anger is now stirred against mankind, for the earth is full with their iniquities. As I placed Noah into the ark, I now place my treasured ones into the ark, the ark of safety is within me, I am your shelter, I am your hiding place. Draw close to me, for I AM is about to move upon the land. Your nation and other nations will all feel the move of my quake and its ripples. I shall bring the nations to their knees, and cause the stubbornness of men’s hearts to repent, to bow down before me. The earths faults shall now be awakened by me, for I AM the Holy and Righteous one. Prepare your hearts , for plagues and pestilence shall follow. I shall humble the stiff necks and knees of the proudful ones, I shall humble the stiff necks and hearts of those the self righteous, who say they have no feed to give a brother. Weep now and mourn, for the hour is come where I search from my heavens and will hear those who will cry out to me, for salvation is freely given. Mourning and sorrow will be heard throughout the land, for I shall bring shame to the high and lofty ones.


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