Israel, Peace, Word

Abrahamic Accord – Eyes Open

Abrahamic Accord

September 13, 2020 7:43 PM
Eyes Open

Daniel Chapter 8, 9
I Thessalonians 5
Revelations 6

The Abrahamic Accord is scheduled to be signed at the White House Tuesday, September 15, 2020. Trump’s staff has sent statements to authorities in efforts to honor him with the Nobel Peace Prize 2021 for this historic achievement that is prophesied about in the Bible in the above chapters given. Not coincidentally, this treaty signing precedes Rosh Hashanah this week, aka Feast of Trumpets (September 18-20, 2020). Apostle Paul tells us that Jesus will return during that last trumpet sound known as the Tekiah Gedolah, the 100th longest blow of the shofar, to claim His Bride. (There are 100 times the shofar is blown during Feast of Trumpets.) Let us all be in prayer, fasting and repentance for ourselves, our family and loved ones, our communities and neighbors, AND our nation for God’s mercy in judgements, His forgiveness, and for lost souls to be saved during this special week and special High Holy Day season of God’s Biblical calendar. God bless you all.

Word of the Lord that came to me in April 2020 during prayer and fasting:

“The Earth is on the brink of disaster. Millions will die. Seek my face for the lost. Seek my face for the lost.”

I Thessalonians 5:3
“For when they shall say, ‘Peace and safety’; then sudden destruction comets upon them, as travail upon a woman with child, and they shall not escape.”


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