Holy Spirit Wind
Yes, My Glory Comes with the Destruction, BE READY!
Received 8-17 and 8-18-18
My people, don’t get comfortable! Everything in this world is not as it seems! Stay Alert! Be Sober minded and vigilant! Live your life after the Spirit and not after the flesh. Things are changing quickly and will continue ever more quickly until the end. Get closer to me than you have ever been before! This is the only way that you will be able to endure till the end and be saved. The kick-off comes quickly!
I know that you have heard this over and over again from Me but it is the truth. I always tell you the truth. I am not a man that I can lie. I know that some of you think that I am repeating Myself and this is true. The reason for this is that the vast majority are not listening to Me. I have been warning through my prophets and watchmen for many years now and some have woken up from their slumber but multiplied millions have gone back to sleep and run out of oil and their lamps. They are no longer watching for My soon return and think there are many years left. You are not promised tomorrow, here on this earth. Most do not know who I am and they are without hope because the darkness has overwhelmed and consumed them, but even one ray of My light can be enough to awaken and transform them if they are among those that I have chosen.
But My children, you are not as those who are without hope! I am Christ in you the hope of glory! You must truly believe in Me with everything that you are. Trust in Me, cling to Me, rely on Me, nothing is impossible for Me! If I am in you, nothing is impossible for you, if you do My will! You shall overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony, loving your life in this world not unto the death. I must be the only one that you run to. Come into my throne room and fall on your face before Me, for I am Holy, Holy, Holy! All of creation revolves around My throne for I created it all. I am above all else, there is none like Me! You need to experience who I am! Let Me take your breath away and let Me breathe My new life into you. Let Me take you to the heavenly places by My Spirit. The things of this world are nothing compared to Me! I will never be defeated for I am already victorious! You will be victorious in me! All those who truly have My Spirit dwelling in them and live by it.
You will not be afraid of the thick black darkness that is coming, for I have promised that I will be with you to the end of the age and I will not leave you or forsake you! Beloved, do not leave Me or forsake Me! DO NOT FEAR! If you take your eyes off of Me, then you will fear and then the darkness will creep in and will try to make you think that I am not enough and I will not protect you but that is a lie! It is always your choice whether you follow Me or not. There are those who are chosen to be killed and those who are chosen to be taken into captivity and I have reasons beyond your understanding for this. DO NOT TURN AWAY FROM ME! It is only for a little while that you must suffer. Even if this life is taken from you, you will be standing in front of Me beholding My unveiled face. This is not a bad thing! You will return with Me on the clouds and fight with Me and all the myriad’s angels and billions upon billions of saints as We defeat the darkness. Yes, I could do it all Myself but I created you to rule and reign with Me! That is your ultimate purpose. There is no purpose higher than this that you can attain.
My children, there will be a transformation for those who are living holy, set apart lives for Me and Me alone. Not all of those who have called upon My name will experience this on the earth, only My remnant bride. Those who have prepared their hearts before Me in the secret place, and emptied themselves of everything but Me. Those who have allowed me to fill them to overflowing with the oil of My Spirit. Yes, I love all of My people but all are not at the same level. All will be changed but not all will be transformed on the earth and reap My Great Harvest, only those who are seeking Me, fervently, constantly day and night and every minute in between. Those whose hearts and minds are stayed on Me, those that are closest to Me. They are the firstfruits, my manifest sons and daughters. All of creation groans in earnest expectation for these to be revealed!
Beloved it is within your reach but you must not give up! You must not look to the left or to the right but directly into My face and I will show you who I am. You will see My unveiled face in all its Glory and you will be changed to be like Me. Do not be discouraged and do not think it is too hard, it is not, or I would not ask you to be holy as I am holy. If you sin I am your advocate with the Father. Repent and I will cover your sins with My blood. I will give you My robe of righteousness, without spot or wrinkle or blemish or any such thing. Then you must seek My face alone and My glory will shine upon you and through you SOON and nothing will be able to harm or stop you!
Yes, My Glory Comes with the Destruction, BE READY!
Jesus Christ
Yashua Ha Mashiach