Mena Lee Grebin
It’s grievous to know that MANY of these so-called modern day prophets in America are undercover homosexuals and pedophiles, preying on young men and children. Yet they will go on Christian television programs and “proclaim” the power of God over people’s lives and walk around with titles such as “prophet to the nations” and “modern day Elijah“. And because the church is so foolish to follow them, these men of filthy rags stay in the spotlight.
But as I laid before the Lord in the wee hours of this morning regarding these people, the Father spoke and said
that He is about to uncover that which has been hidden. He will shine His light in the dark corners and secret places where wickedness is conjured. Elohim will rise up and judge those who have caused His little ones to fall away, that they know not the hour in which we live.
Woe unto those that cover not their nakedness, because they have not bought their linens from on High.
Woe unto those that hatch evil devices to silence the chosen.
Woe unto those who speak peace when there is no peace, and offer superficial bandages for mortal wounds.
Woe unto those who oppress the widows, the foreigners, and the orphans.
Woe unto those who have prostituted their gifts and sold their birthrights for mammon.
Woe unto those who have held vengeance towards their brethren, yet beg for the mercy of God.
Woe unto the proud, the stiff-necked, and the haughty who condemn and mock the weak, the ignorant, and the fallen.
Woe unto those who turn a deaf ear and a blind eye to the inquities committed in their midst.
Woe unto those who put man and their country before God.
Scripture Given:
Isaiah 26:9-10
With my soul I have desired You in the night,
Yes, by my spirit within me I will seek You early;
For when Your judgments are in the earth,
The inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.
Let grace be shown to the wicked,
Yet he will not learn righteousness;
In the land of uprightness he will deal unjustly,
And will not behold the majesty of the Lord.