While it will shock your eyes it will not shock your heart
April 4, 2020
Robin Pease
Hello Brothers and Sisters! Just wanted to share a quick dream that I had last night and what God told me in my spirit.
We had a tornado warning and when I looked outside I didn’t see a normal tornado/dark sky. The whole entire sky was filled with really dark, ominous, swirling clouds. Many tornados were spawning from these clouds. I remember I was in AWE of what I was seeing but my heart was at peace. I was trying to get everyone into the basement and then I awoke.
God spoke this into my spirit: While it will shock your eyes it will not shock your heart.
I thought this was a perfect description to the things coming upon the earth. When we see God’s hand it will be AWE inspiring but we will not be fearful (it will not shock our hearts). He also gave me this verse a couple of nights ago (April 1): “The LORD will cause men to hear His majestic voice and will make them see His arm coming down with raging anger and consuming fire, with cloudburst, thunderstorm and hail.” Isaiah 30:30
God bless you all. Cling to Jesus. Much love!
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