Where is the Wilderness? Part 1
December 8, 2021 6:57 AM
Lisa B Prayer Warrior
I have been looking back over three years of visions and flash visions and realised that the wilderness has been shown to me in both forest AND desert settings.
These are just some of them:
Desert visions:
1.Aerial shot of a desert (no sand dunes, but yellow and white salt pan ground with dried river swirls.) Thousands of people on foot.
2.Following a group through a desert and ravine that looked like the entrance to Petra, Jordan
3.Walking in a desert (similar to Wadi rum in Jordan)
4.A huge wooden cross on a sand-dune in a desert
5.A car driving along a long narrow road through the Outback, Australia
Forest visions:
1.An aerial view of a forest with a large lake in the middle, then suddenly the lake disappeared from view and was filled with trees. It was hidden.
2. An aerial view of a forest with a large court (Similar to a basketball court, but there were different markings, possibly helicopter pads?) Symbolic of transport to the wilderness.
3.I was walking with a group through a forest, we were following a human shape that emitted light.
4.I was walking with a group in a dense forest, we were aware that we had to be very quiet.
When I realised the two settings, I decided to research further and ask the Lord where exactly the Woman in Revelations will flee to. To a desert as I have been shown or the Forest as I have been shown?
I sat outside with my bible and closed my eyes in prayer and quietness. I could hear the breeze flapping my pages. When I opened my eyes and looked at my bible, my eyes fell on this scripture immediately.
Isaiah 29:17
Is it not yet a very little while, and Lebanon shall be turned into a fruitful field, and the fruitful field, and the fruitful field shall be esteemed as a forest
I was so excited to receive the answer – the Lord confirmed – FOREST!
A few days later, just when I thought I had understanding the Lord gave me a flash vision of the Map of Australia. I could see the five state boundaries and then I saw a section of the map being clearly coloured in. It was a large area and specific to one state. As I peered at the map I heard a voice in the spirit that said.
“Safe Haven.”
Back to Square one. Australia is around 70% desert/semi-desert and whilst I won’t disclose the exact location. The marked Safe haven area is in the desert and difficult to get to.
I took it back to the Lord, knowing he is not a God of confusion and that clearly there was something here I needed to understand.
Days later, I was lead to the following scripture:
Isaiah 35:1
The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them, and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose.
So, the Lord has confirmed both, using scriptures. I am still processing how this could work, though I believe it might be a part of the end-time ‘wait and see’ moments.
In some way, the deserts will bloom, could they turn into forests? Will the tares/goats remaining behind see desert, whilst the wheat/sheep in these deserts see everything as forest/Eden?
Or perhaps I am being shown different parts to various journeys? Ultimately we will be gathered to Zion.
NOTE: To any Australians, I have to consider that the location given to me might only in fact be symbolic, to show desert. Please seek the Lord on where you are to be, if you are to stay or move.
The Lord shows me snippets and the Holy Spirit helps me tie things together over time, like a puzzle.
I will discuss more on ‘Going into the Wilderness’ in a separate message.
Shalom and blessings always
Lisa B.
Isaiah 43:19
Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, [and] rivers in the desert.