By Sister Wendi Lee
Message received from Papa God Yahweh on 6 Jul 17.
Vision before the Message from Papa.
I see myself in the middle of the ocean, I’m like an ant and there is nothing but water. Then I begin to be lifted up by something coming up underneath me in the water. It is as “a spaceship.” Then the vision pans over to land and I see Obama at a podium speaking to many people. He says (in the vision) to not think they we don’t have a creator, and begins to tell the people that the “fallen angels” are the creators. Then Father God Yahweh gives me His Message.
“Do not be surprised when the past president; who was and will be again, will be addressing you, My Children, about the fallen angels. He will try to convince you that they are the ones who created all things. He will spin his lies for all of My itchy-eared creation.
My Son warns you, My Children, of this great deception coming upon this earth. The fallen angels deceived My Children many thousands of years ago, and there is nothing new that is under My Sun.
Oh, how My Heart grieves for the ones who are going to fall for the devil’s lies. My Children, this is why it is so important to know My Holy Word, My Son Yeshua, the Word in the flesh, the Word of God. All of the Holy Scriptures tell you about My Perfect Son and what He suffered and endured for your sake. So that you will come to the Truth, My Son Yeshua is the Lighted Path to Me.
Read, My Children, about how the enemy is the liar of the world, how he twists My Holy Word and tries to get My Sinless Son to worship him. He will have My Everlasting wrath upon his head as he is thrown into eternal punishment. My eternal fires are not where My Children ought to live at. I want My whosoevers’ to live with Me and My Son Yeshua in eternal peace.
Take heed My Children for this is not far into the future like some believe. Listen to the vision I gave to My Daughter. Pay attention. Stay vigilant. Learn of My Son, stay in My Holy Word. Be instant in My Son’s Gospel in season and out of season. Speak My Son’s grace and truth and love to all, love your neighbor and forgive those who have trespassed against you. Pray for God to clean out your junk in My Holy Temple. For you grieve My Holy Spirit when you are not renewed on the inside.
God Jehovah warns all of His Children. Pay attention. I have spoken, saith the Holy One of Israel.”
(After this Message, and much prayer and reading of His Word, Father gave me these words: “the spider has spun his web and the cockatrice eggs has been laid, when this will occur.”)
(King Yeshua’s Message)
Revelation 19:6-7
And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth. 7 Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to Him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.
“Please get down upon your knees and ask Father God Yahweh, by the Power of the Holy Spirit, and in King Yeshua’s Holy and Powerful Name if these are King Yeshua’s Words.
Message received on 7 Jul 17.
Children of Mine…gather round…. There will soon be a feast…. A feast to remember forever….for the wife hath made herself ready.
My Marriage Supper will you soon be called to. Only those who have My Special Invitation will be able to attend. If you have not on the proper attire; I shall have you escorted out into outer darkness, as I spew you out of My Mouth for your lukewarmness; you will have extended fires to go through. Fires that you could never dream of.
Then, after My Hot Fires have brought you to complete surrender unto Me; you too will have your special invitation from Me. My Beloved Bride, though you be full of stains at this moment – it is not too late to surrender your entire life unto your First Love.
Oh, you love Me, but you just haven’t put Me above everything; yes even your spouse and other family. I must be first My Loved One; I must be the One Who sits in the center of your heart.
I AM letting My Bride know this, and putting her on notice. Do you want to feel My complete glory and power before you see the rapture come? This too – you must be stain-free. However; do not think that you are out of this world, My Bride and away from the tricks of My adversary. You must stay wide-eyed and completely in obedience to Me, your Bridegroom Yeshua Jesus.
I love you, I care for you, I will always be right here for you, My Loves.”