TILT! – Pastor Benjamin Faircloth
Posted on Jun 17, 2018
“America you have no idea how close you are to the edge of eternity! Your systems are failing and no one can fix them. You are in decay, yet you apply the make up of a harlot to attract the world to your shores! Your harlotry and idolatry are known worldwide! Yet you dress it up as fashionable and trendy! I have looked the other way, but I haven’t retracted it from your account! You are full, your cup of inequity and your scales of judgment, both overflow before My throne!
The hour has come, (though it seems to delay), for Me to receive payment for your sin! You thought that I am like your false gods who stare and have no movements, but I tell you this day, I AM!
Get ready My Church for war! Stand in the gap of intercession, for surely the “game of illusion” will snap into reality and it will be over!
This is the hour of empowerment and grace. The time has come to move forward into the reality of My prophetic plans! Do not be weary in tarrying but be resourceful in preparing! Your time has come!”
(Scripture reference for this message is Isaiah 30) To watch or listen to this message got to www.ignitedchurchlife.com or You Tube https://youtu.be/_Ncsm4IOYAc