Stephen Hanson
Now I exhort you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all agree and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be made complete in the same mind and in the same judgment. For I have been informed concerning you, my brethren, by Chloe’s people, that there are quarrels among you. Now I mean this, that each one of you is saying, “I am of Paul,” and “I of Apollos,” and “I of Cephas,” and “I of Christ.”
Has Christ been divided? Paul was not crucified for you, was he? Or were you baptized in the name of Paul? I thank God that I baptized none of you except Crispus and Gaius, so that no one would say you were baptized in my name. Now I did baptize also the household of Stephanas; beyond that, I do not know whether I baptized any other. For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel, not in cleverness of speech, so that the cross of Christ would not be made void. 1 Cor. 1:10-17
“What do you say? Have you considered the state of affairs in this land? Have you chosen to follow a man who has brought chaos to the land? I tell you that a spirit is sweeping the land, and it is not a spirit of good but rather of great chaos and dissension. For you were birthed as one nation but now the stars and stripes on your flag will ever flow into another image.
For there is a wild, reckless spirit that is being loosed. It would brandish any sword, and release any vile arguments towards those who stand in their way. For I tell you that the upheavals will become greater and greater. The great division has begun. For you will see a demonstration of the people, and they will rise-up like never before. The demonstrations of the 60’s will pale in comparison to all of this.
You have ever been a nation of laws and yet now, those laws and articles, are being attempted to be bent towards the spirit of a man who would corrupt the very institution that is meant to be upheld.
The songs of your forefathers is heard coming from the dust. But the beating of the drum and the sound of the flute is muffled, because of the reckless spirit of dissension that has swept across the land. ”
Stephen Hanson