America, Disease, Economic Collapse, End Times, Pandemics


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May 22, 2024 11:13 PM
Handmaid of the Most High

May 10, 2024 ~9:30PM and Sunday, May 12, 10:47

Greetings to the Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,

Since January 2024, I have had a knowing that things would start accelerating even faster after Spring. I have been given an awareness that one of the significant things to happen will be the “next” pandemic. This is the pandemic that the Holy Spirit spoke of during the very early days of the “C”. He specifically said that the current pandemic (“C”) was not the one to worry about. The warning was that the “next pandemic” would be greater (in whom it targeted) and far more serious (detrimental).

There have been a number of meetings and public documents being published in recent months that the diseases to fear -those mentioned in the Vision I received back in May 2016 “The Coming Destruction of the United States of America” which included Malaria, Yellow Fever and Dengue as well as Bubonic Plague will have impact on regions worldwide. Additionally, in the passage of time, other diseases such as Marburg and Ebola were mentioned by the Holy Spirit. Also, the number of people succumbing to the U.S. Tsunami’s was actually given over 100 Million! When I asked the Holy Spirit for the number I had gone by increments and once the number got past 30 million, I stopped asking because it was so unfathomable, it overwhelmed me to ask beyond that. Since then I summoned the courage to ask and that is what the Holy Spirit revealed.

Additionally, in February I had specific dates highlighted (which I later learned was the solar eclipse). People of science have spoken out that it was not a “true” eclipse but rather than the moon which is what we were told, it was actually another object (meteor, or planet) coming between earth and the sun. Some suggest it may be “Wormwood”. Luke 21: 25-26 Additionally, as this occurred, the elites operatives were spraying various diseases upon those individuals outside observing the event.

The Holy Spirit revealed to me that entities and elites used this time to manipulate (play with) the portals to other dimensions had specifically planned some “coordinated event” testing by those entities, who control their operation. Please note, the portals will have a key role in the end of the last days.

Furthermore, I was alerted to May 8 and 10 as significant days, though I received no specifics. I know something happened but other than hearing that the sun was shooting high levels of plasma into the atmosphere leading some areas to experience electronic interference and possible EMP’s, I don’t know what else has happened. It was revealed to me that more portal testing was utilized, which was some sort of experiment with the sun’s energy. For several days, I was having very unique type of attacks, which were powerful and required immense spiritual warfare.

In February, I was told an even more significant event would happen after the second week of June, some time following June 17. This is very serious and I ask all who are in the Body of Christ to focus on this time. Pray that whatever takes place will not have the impact intended on those in the Body. Pray that the Holy Spirit will provide more details to the prophets of God, specifically guidance on what is about to happen, if it is helpful to save lives.

Jeremiah 32:27 Behold, I am the Lord, thy God of all flesh: is there any too hard for me?

The Holy Spirit spoke this (I failed to record the day and time but it was the week of May 12)

I AM the Lord God, the Living Father, Creator of all Things, I speak to my children in this dark hour to rejoice for your redemption draws nigh. I AM has had my Son at the ready, no man knows the day or hour except I.

All around you are clues and signs of what is coming and I urge each of my children to draw near to me and hear of my prophets as I give them signposts for what lies ahead. None of these know the fullness of what is coming but they have glimpses of the reality soon coming. They speak in part and prophecy in part. I have given my word to all. He was made flesh, and dwelt among you. He had power, such had not been seen since I laid the foundations of the earth. He will come again! This time with a sword, to conquer that which seemed conquered and to put that dragon, Lucifer in his final resting place, though he will be tormented and not resting for eternity.

Great mayhem will soon arise. Crisis. Disease and plagues will spread throughout the world and no man can stop it. The elites and their allies will believe that they have control. That they have brought forth these evil devices which will wreak havoc but they are merely tools in my box. Once the great savagery occurs, they will try and control its damage but because I control everything, they will not be able to reign in the torment. Yes, that’s right, many of the tormenters will also be tormented! I have said it is so. They will suffer full knowledge of the horror and destruction they have wrought and will suffer, too. For many, this knowledge will follow them in their eternal torment!

Others being so deceived that they deceive themselves, will continue to follow their master’s instruction for demolition and will usher in the AntiChrist and his system. His leadership will consummate the ultimate horrors that will be suffered on the earth.

Soon the Antichrist will be revealed to all. Not all will know who he truly is, for he will be loved by many and the people of the world will hold him in high esteem. Many have already hoped that he would come to bring his wisdom to bring about the peace to the nations. For the battles already raging will become worse and worse. Those who trust in their resources and earthly wisdom do not want to see that the relationships between nations is challenging old alliances. New alliances are being built and those who had brought pain to them in the past will be targeted for revenge! America, you, who have long told the world what it could do and not do, your acts have now become the focal point for hatred and attack.

The financial collapse will realize its full impact at a time of great despair. Diseases will become prevalent, rules and regulations such as curfews will be instituted in many places. Sickness will have its way in many. Treatments will be ineffective in some. Care for the ill will be limited as hospitals fill up with the many. Resources and medicines will be unavailable and limited care targeting relief from symptoms will be used instead. There will be little hope in these dark days.

You, my children will have hope despite the reports. For you know your treasure and fulfillment is in the next life with me. Do not fear the reports of the doctors or the media. Be steadfast in your hope in the future. For I AM will not forsake those who love me.

Dear Ones, your redemption draws near and will soon fulfill my Word.

Abba Father


~Handmaid of the Most High~ Acts 2:17-18

Additionally, people throughout Florida and other regions in this vicinity are reporting be able to see the Northern Lights or Aurora Borealis, a phenomenal typically only seen near the North Pole and surrounding areas. The Bible repeatedly states that signs in the heavens will be a warning of the last days.

Furthermore, I’ve repeatedly seen the June calendar with words that sometime after the second week, something major would occur, I saw June 17 and the beyond as being highlighted compared to the preceding days. Speaking about this with a friend yesterday, he mentioned that June 16 is Pentecost on the Hebrew calendar and I verified this. I sense whatever occurs will have impact on the nations, not just the U.S.

Final note: I know that when disease becomes rampant, major upsets will also occur in the banking industry. However, it is my understanding that the CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) which either is the beast economic system or a final stepping stone to it, will be after the tsunami’s occurring in the U.S. and other nearby nations, which will leave them financially destitute.


Matthew 24:36-44
1 Corinthians 13:9
John 1:14
James 4:8
Revelation 3:20
Matthew 10:34-36
Revelation 19:15
2 Timothy 3:13
1 Timothy 4:1-2
Revelation 20:10
Revelation 19:20

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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