Be Ready for I Am
July 20, 2024 11:38 AM
Everything is coming together as it falls apart. The infrastructure we have counted on WILL “fall apart”. The entities that are responsible for its repair will be found nowhere. Water, food, shelter, and everyday needs will be in short supply. Like a chipmunk scurrying for its seeds, we will find none.
Nothing will be like the past, for that is the past and will not be reconstructed. Death, plagues, economies crashing, civil as well as world war will permeate each crevice. This will become the reality, not seen in Babylon and as well most portions of the Earth. Changes in weather, geography, topography will be commonplace. Earthquakes, volcanos, fires, flooding are (will be) everyday occurrences.
I rock your world to wake you up. All other warnings have not been heeded and come upon deaf ears. Your sight is not much better, as you continue to adhere to all the falsehoods, the enemy of your soul broadcasts.
Things need to change, to change the outcome of many souls. I provide this change and venue for all. Be ready for I Am.