The Soul That Sinneth Shall Die
December 22, 2023 12:08 PM
Olasubomi Williams
Romans 6:18-23, Ezekiel 18:20-21
I had a dream where I was in my country where my mom was driving us to Ojodu, Berger in Lagos and I, and my little brother were supposed to go to the normal route. However, she made a detour to a vast construction site and there were people there who were chasing us and hurling objects at us. They also had guns and where shooting us. I was warning my mom for us to go back and take the normal route but she didn’t listen to me. Then, eventually as my mom kept driving, I found myself outside the car at the construction site. I was chasing down the car until I saw my little brother. He kept moving and weeping and I was trying to console him but he couldn’t hear me as I tried reaching out to him to embrace him. But no matter what I did, I could not reach him for some weird reasons. Then, I saw my brother’s legs being torn and he was in severe pain. As he kept walking, someone shot him from behind and he couldn’t walk but he kept moving and crying. As I was trying to reach out to him still, the dream ended and I woke up. Here was the interpretation the lord gave to me.
Words of the lord Jesus Christ
The soul that sin shall die, literally. Your body is the temple of God which must be presented as holy. When you sin, you not only suppress the spirit but you also damage the body. The body must act in the service of God as it was created. The flesh must be subjected to the will of the spirit. The soul is the will, which controls the direction of where the body and spirit goes. When you are still an infant, not knowing between what’s good and evil, the body, soul and spirit are in sync. They are in tandem with one another. However as time goes by and the child starts to have an understanding between good and evil, the body and spirit separate and the soul moves in the direction of where anyone goes. In your dream my son, your mother acted as the soul, the wheel which guides the body and spirit, you acted as the spirit which warned of imminent incoming danger and your little brother was the body. That was shielding the soul and taking the blows of the outside world. The men within the construction site were the demons and fallen entities that destroys the body and cause it to sin even more. You saw how tormented he was but yet he was still walking in pain and agony. That is the state of many people’s lives today. They are living as the walking dead. Their bodies are in agony, crying out for help, yet their souls being riddled with sin, is pushing them even more to their destruction. The soul that sins shall die. I mean that literally. It will die, to be forever separated from me for all of eternity. Many have a hard core, a hard soul that refuses to be led by the spirit. The things of the flesh harden the heart of man to continually rebel against me. All I am doing is for your own good. If you listen to this message, and you have not given your life to me, then it is time you turn around and listen to the cries of the spirit. Do not ignore me, it will do you no good. You are only condemning your soul to hell.
When you sin, you trespass the gates of my protection and you go on your own way to your own destruction. You are led by the flesh, and trust me, the flesh only knows one thing which is to destroy. After you trespass the gates of my protection, you become an easy target, an easy prey to the demons and entities that wish to destroy you. They will hunt you down, they will not stop until you are utterly destroyed. My layers of protection provides shelter from the supernatural entities and phenomenon that are about to occur in the world in these endtimes. Men do not understand what they are summoning into the world. They are summoning their own destruction and they are leading their fellow men forcefully to the gates of destruction. Share the dream to as much people as you can my son, do not hold back. You have been called to be a witness to my glory and power and yes even my awesomeness. However, walk more diligently now. Walk while it’s still day, for the night comes when no man can work. My children all over the world, those who call themselves Christians. This is your time of ascendency, arise and shine, for your light has come and the glory of the lord is risen upon you. That is all my son. YAHWEH.
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