
The Refinement of Fire Comes Next – Whitney Eslick Manuel

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The Refinement Of Fire Comes Next

June 23, 2024 5:54 PM
Whitney Eslick Manuel

June 23, 2024 6:20 PM

I had written today on a notebook page of mine, “How can 2 walk together unless they be agreed?” I had formed a drawing of a tear drop coming down from the question mark at the end of that sentence, which is also a Bible verse. The LORD then told me to read Revelation 16. Out of the entire chapter, the only thing I wrote down in my notebook was Revelation 16:15, “Look, I come like a thief! Blessed is the one who stays awake and remains clothed, so as not to go naked and be shamefully exposed.” Then after some prayer regarding some personal and even some painful things, the LORD spoke to me to write. I went to turn the page to begin HIS word on a clean page, but HE said:

“Write on this same page. Write now for ME, MY deeply Beloved. I have seen your tears. They are caught by ME—every single one. You are MINE. You are ALL MINE now, Beloved. The process is complete. The separation process is complete. Between the world, the wicked, and MINE. Even the finer processing of separating between MINE and MINE, those truly MINE. MINE fully and completely in every way. This has been a painful process , especially at certain times, I know, MY Beloved. But it was needed. I have comforted you through it all, for I AM always with MY true children. MY beloved ones. I love all, but not all of MY children have desired all of ME. They have not been willing to leave all for ME. They have reserved many of their own thoughts and thinking, preferring their ways even though they claim to be following MY ways. This is the finer separation. The finer separation leads into the finer refining. The Refinement of Fire comes next, for those who have not fully and truly submitted and surrendered all, including their minds and hearts over to ME. I gave time. Time was squandered. I gave words of warning and the signals of many judgments come upon your lands, but these did not listen or hearken themselves to obedience and the humbling they so desperately required. I have marked and recorded their answers. I have marked and recorded their responses to you. I sent you to warn, to encourage, to send messages, to exhort, and even plead. I was there when they answered you. I saw how they responded to you, because when they responded to you they responded to ME. When they accused you they accused ME. When they said all manner of evil against you, they did it to ME. But you arose and blessed. You arose and prayed for them as well as yourself. MY dearly Beloved, I cannot tell you how much this pleased ME. I AM pleased with you, MY Beloved Bride. I AM well pleased. Here I come!”


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