The Problems You Face – Cheryl
AUGUST 21, 2018
Take a look at the problems of My servant David, had he handled them in of themselves, he would have had an entirely different outcome and not become King. He did not allow them to be his focus, I was His focus. You see, the human mind wants to look at the here and now with logic and intellect, but there is much more to what the eye sees and what the body feels. It has been written that the war to be fought is not against flesh and blood, but is of the spiritual in dominions and principalities in heavenly places. And it is only I who can properly assess and navigate My sheep through their troubles to safety. Oh that My people would realize that the problem, the trouble, the hardship or torment- is NOT what needs to be fixed! In this world you will always have tribulation, as I have spoken – but it is only I who has overcome them. No human being can ever successfully overcome truly, unless they allow ME to overcome in them. This is the mystery of the resurrected life in Jesus Christ and what is called the sanctification process. I have reconciled all sin – and it is the focus for My people to be reconciled through this process. I have made the way, now it is up to each to walk through the way I have made. Each problem one faces, I give invitation to embark with Me, so that it is My purpose and plan that will come to fruition. And it is in here that you will find your deliverance you so need. This journey is not for the faint at heart, for it will require from each who will journey with Me. For often, the problem is a problem upon problems – that have not been addressed according to My way and so, there is much work that needs to be done, and undone. So, I say, bring to Me your problem, your troubles your torment – but do not take them up again to be your subject, focus or prayer to pray. Instead, look unto Me with all your heart, and make yourself ready so that you will hear Me speak to you. The surest way to hear My words is to make it your aim to turn from evil, from dark, from sin. Let your business be this, to join Me in creating a clean heart within you, so that you may see, and hear Me. Ask me where there is darkness, where you have not followed Me. Read scripture with eyes that will search for Me, and what it is I ask of you. Pray prayers that will ask for Me to reveal the truth of the matter. Learn to be humble before Me – and it is in this posture that you will hear Me, and I will teach you what it is you need to learn so you may grow in the vessel that I have created you to be – for honor. Do not let the problem become your subject or your aim in that you are looking for Me to solve or to give you relief from. Instead ask Me for My answer. In this you are releasing its hold that it has had upon you – in that even though in the past, you may have seemingly outwardly solved such problems, it will only be a matter of time before another similar problem will come upon you. For there are familiar spirits assigned to you – and will only come back again, to torment and antagonize you – usually in greater degree. It is complex – the kingdom in which your battle is and in the way it must be fought and handled – and I encourage all who are called by My name to humble themselves, seek My face with hearts of repentance -because this problem has become your idolatrous focus. Repentance is the starting point to where you must begin. Humble and contrite hearts before Me I will not refuse but will gladly come alongside to walk you through and out of what has overtaken you. For many walk sorrowfully, and with much weight upon them in the problems they face and are plagued with, and call for the prayers of others. For too many, will pray as if the problem where the problem, but it is only an outcome of something that lies hidden. It is only the ones who can hear Me to tune in to Me, who will pray effective and fervent prayers that will avail much, but they are few. Where I say, do not look to the earth below and all its materials for your solution, but look to where I Am, seated in the heavenly Kingdom above all principalities and dominions, where the answer lies to all your problems.
So, today, take your issue – lay it down to not take it up again as you have always done. Repent of it. When it seeks out upon you to encumber you again, turn from it – and its power it once had, and look to Me as the power you give over to. Meditate upon who I am, in light of this issue, this torment, this problem that plagues you. Desire to know Me IN this problem. Give no longer glory to your issues, give glory to Me. Seek Me with all your heart mind and soul. Commit all your ways to Me. Then, I will show you what has led you into the place you have found yourself. And I will surely show you the way out. Be prepared to forgive, for this is the key that will unlock you from the snare you find yourself in. One step at a time, and I will show you out of the cycle you have been bound to – as you commit to Me – everything.
As the Lord gives me these words I usually further write my thoughts to what I receive that may expand or focus’s on a particular point and is found on my other blog Way Truth & Life. This one corresponds to: What is the Point? and In a Marriage that is Dying?