The Power of Fire and Water-Tsunami
Talitha Zion (the little girl) saw three angels with the power of Fire, Tsunami and Earthquake. From what
the Lord reveled to me through times here is the power of the fire, the nuclear blast in the big city and the power of water.
New York City!
Vision of October 24, 2016 9:52 AM
New York city in flames from nuclear attack!
Last night I didn’t sleep since 3:00AM. I had a rough morning, sick until I ate everything. I sat, saw the news and closed my eyes. The condition and my situation doesn’t permit me to think about anything but to have a small rest. I was swiftly drifting, gone for few minutes. I didn’t ask for it, nor thought about it. What I saw shook me to the bones.
I saw New York city in flames, burning from nuclear attack. It is destroyed . When I see that, I said to myself, all what they are talking about came to be true. It was so real, in my face, as if I was there close to the action, I was shocked. It was an instant but very, very real. At the very moment, I saw Trump in a flash flew on the air right by the flaming city. I saw him speed passed behind the flame to the right, on the air. I don’t know what it means but that is what I saw. I saw what many have seen, The timing is what matters. This thing looks so close, God knows the time.
The Tsunami across the bridge.
1. I see a long bridge and a big wave of water, a Tsunami coming with force and fury. It is coming from the East rushing towards the west past the bridge to engulf the city. I am telling people to run and escape the tsunami across the bridge and helping them to hurry. The tsunami is passing on the body of water rushing and rushing and eventaly over the bridge and engulf the city. What I saw looks very real and I still remember it after five years. The bridge is one of the bridges (Brooklyn bridge?) leading to the center of New York.
The tsunami swallowed the high raise buildings of New York.
2. I see a huge tsunami, very high, rushing towards the center of the city. It passed galloping across a body of water and engulfed the high raise buildings. I see the big high raise buildings. The flood is almost reaching ¾ of the buildings. I have never been to the city but what I saw is very real. With the force and
intensity of the Tsunami, the city will be under water.
I know it is New York city. One day, accidentally, I see a picture in the TV news and that picture tells more than words. It is those high raise buildings right in front and to the left of the Statue of Liberty. I didn’t see the statue but the city and the buildings submerged under water-the tsunami.
This tsunami which I saw, two times in two different revelations which puts the big city under water is what comes from the Atlantic ocean. What causes it is not reveled to me.
In another dream, I have seen the Atlantic pouring over the whole of the east cost USA and the earth split somewhere between Delaware & Maryland. This last one is a combined force of water and Eathquake which will affect not these specific states but the whole region.
The power of fire water and earthquake are true as the humble little girl saw.
2 Corinthians 13:1
This is the third time I am coming to you. In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be
Amos 3:7(KJV)
Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.
The arrow shows the the level of the tsunami in the vision. To my surprise, the building is the same building I saw. (You can count the floors)
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