Jenna Eyler
I want to share with y’all a word that The LORD gave me.. He has said to go back to my journals.. look, see, listen and understand. What was, will be again; as it is written it shall come to pass. Of course this makes me think of Ecclesiastes… and nothing new under the sun
So, here is the word given 8/1/2017
The Longer the Season- The More the Life- Beauty for Ashes
Behold, the old has passed away and all things are become new! Behold, I do a new thing… do you not perceive it? Out of the ashes I make such beauty! For just as the seed must fall to the ground and die before it brings forth life… so must you! From the ashes of old, beauty is birthed, and what appears dead is only the beginning. Just as fire destroys, it also purifies.. for this is where preservation of what is clay becomes hardened and kept.. but also adds nutrients to the soil for replenishment of what is needed, and for a time appears barren- but the seed that falls also appears dead, but is growing.. for the shell softens and life bursts forth. First in roots deep, then life appears on the surface! It shoots forth to the sun watered deeply and brings the flower, the sweet aroma.. the blossom fades and once again appears to die. But this is where the fruit begins to develop. Like that fruit, it grows in stages, then much fruit, each in season. The longer the season, the more the fruit which brings forth much seed! Seed for more life! All this is from what only appears destroyed by fire, and death of a seed. Behold, the Harvest! All one must do is eat and be nourished, drop the seed and again the seasons begin.. life in every breath, seed and fire! Do you see? Do you hear? Do you know? What is this season? Keep eating, keep sowing… the Harvest is here My little one.
I have always been there Jenna, I will not leave you now! Pay no mind to the lies of the enemy of your soul. He has been diligent in his deception, but I tell you truth! He fears you, for I have chosen you to represent Me to a world so desperate, they know it not. Child, I have held your hand, even when you knew it not. Now I ask you, will you hold a hand as Me to those I bring? For as you were lost in the entrapments set to kill, they are also. There is no coincidence for anything you have come from. My will and purpose is accomplished! My Word will not return to My ears void. I have made you strong in your weakness, this is for My glory alone. Knowing you would not take what is Mine is why I chose you. Each trial, each fire has bought you closer to Who I Am in you, Show Me,, My glory, speak My Words at all costs! I am your rearguard and I go before you! Be strong daughter and take courage, for you go not alone! I AM that i AM, I do not lie
The storms come stronger than before, but I walk the waters and I Am in the storm.. keep your eyes on Me, My queen, do notlook away. Keep hold of My hand and walk on the storm with Me. I do not ever let you go, nor will i! Trust Me as never before… your life and others depend on your obedience to Me! I will not forsake you My love, My Bride for I am eager to have you with Me for forevermore, no separation, no distance, right here where I Am!
Keep these things in the midst of your heart!Keep these!
So there you go, what a word…
This was what He spoke to me.. His teaching, His love