Judgment, Prophecy

The judgments will begin in My house – BRIDEOFYESHUA-RS


The judgments will begin in My house

April 11, 2022 2:22 AM

Monday, April 11, 2022, at 13:15

(The first part of this words is for me personally, I prayed and asked the Lord if I could leave out the words for me personally and not share it, but the answer I heard was “Share it, it’s not just for you, it’s for each one of My children who belongs to Me”)

“Quiet your heart, My precious daughter, come to Me, your lover of your soul, Jesus of Nazareth, who came in the flesh. You are the beloved of My heart; you are bone of My bones and flesh of My flesh, the apple of My eye and the jewelry in My palm.

You are so beautiful in My eyes, I look forward to your arrival every moment, My daughter, I need your company, I need to hear you pour out your heart to Me and tell Me what you need, even though all this is known to Me before you ask, but I need you to say it.

My daughter, you know My heart, you know what I long for, and this world that I have created is falling deeper and deeper into the abyss of darkness day by day. The human beings that I created should have My image and likeness, for I created you in My image and likeness, but more and more of them are now losing My image and likeness, they are being replaced by another image.

My heart breaks for these people, My tears flow for these souls who can no longer be redeemed by My blood, and I weep for these people who chase after the world and the things in it.

Look around you and see what is happening in your lives, can’t you wake up? Listen to the voices of those who are crying out for help and resistance under pressure, can’t you understand that the world as you know it is no longer the same day by day?

Wake up, My sleeping children, the end of this world is near and your time on this earth is running out.

At the time of Noah’s great flood, only eight people entered the ark that I had Noah build, all the others perished. Now, in these last days, how many of you will be able to enter into the ark of Me, Jesus Christ?

The door of the ark will soon be completely closed, and while it is not fully closed, even if there is only a crack, you must do your very best to squeeze in, or you will be left outside of the ark to face the total darkness and evil that is coming to this earth.

My slumbering church, you think the world will go back to the way it once was, you believe those lies of the evil one that ‘your future is bright, your Lord will not return so soon, enjoy your present life to the fullest, live in the present, you are saved, your salvation is intact ……’

You have chosen to accept these lies, to cover your eyes with your hands, Pulling the guide sticks handed to you by your so-called pastors and teachers——false doctrines, teachings mingle with lies, and to let them lead you into the pit of hell without noticing.

Foolish people! In order to keep you from falling into that deep pit forever, in order for you to come to home that I have already prepared for you, to be with Me, I must pull down the hands that have covered your eyes, I must show you with your own eyes that the good days you were so convinced of is nothing but a deception, a lie!

The judgments will begin in My house, and it has begun now. When the judgments come down, the fire of purification will burn up everything in you that does not belong to Me, and only that which belongs to Me will remain and cannot be shaken.

When everything around you is crumbling, know that this is My love for you, and all you need to do is to fall on your knees and repent to Me with your contrite hearts and ask for My forgiveness and help. I will not despise a sorrowful and contrite heart, but I look after and protect those who are willing to trust in Me and rely on Me with all their hearts.

My children, do not hesitate, do not delay, but come to Me now, to the Abba Father, who loves you and has given His only beloved Son for you; to Jesus Christ, who gave up everything He has for you, was crucified for you, laid down His life and shed His blood to redeem you; to your Comforter and Helper, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth, whom the Father has given.

Repent, My children, that My blood shed for you on the cross may cleanse you from all your sins, and that My Holy Spirit may be poured out on you, who always abides with you and in you, that by Him you may live a separate and holy life.

The day of My coming is near and at hand, are you ready to meet your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ? Come to Me, that I may help you, lead you, and show you the way you should walk on.”

Please take everything to the Lord in prayer.

God richly Bless,



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