The Foster Father
Nov 6, 2019, 3:00 PM
Ruth Johnson
Hail Him or fail Him
It is up to you
If you have ever wondered
What is important to do.
Your life is a gift
From the Great I AM
Your voice, your thoughts
Should reflect Him,
The Heavenly Father
The Creator of all,
You were made in His image,
Do you even recall?
Do you act like Him?
Are you faithful and true?
Do you love? Show mercy?
Justice where due?
Or do you emulate
The father of lies?
Have you let that one foster you?
It makes me sick
One would steal a child
And convince that child
It is theirs and there is no Other.
Or worse yet to tell that child
Their Father is there,
Only absentee, far away,
With His progeny.
Hey! he says,
If He really loved you
He would let you have fun!
And not insist to Him you run
When you are in trouble,
Trouble is fun!
Why would you prefer
A life of servitude
When your foster father
Has the best attitude!
Run amok, he says,
Drink and be merry!
No need to come home
Spend the night!
That girl you just met
Is super cherry! Get to know her!
Its all-right!
Who is looking? Who is watching?
No One is keeping track!
Were you born to not enjoy life?
Sleep with her it does not matter
She is not your wife!
She will do it, I have convinced her
It is the way to earn your love!
And if she won’t another will,
There is no lack of fallen doves!
Pick one up, dust her off,
Tell her she is pretty
Take her on the rounds
Of the pubs in your city.
She will be so drunk,
Giggly and giddy,
She is yours now! Have no pity!
After it all, no regrets,
If there is a baby
You would have to take care of it!
And you are still young,
Too many kids around,
It’s legal to kill them
Before they are born,
Get on with your life!
Don’t be sick in the morn!
Keep on truckin’
In your quest for fun
For that is what matters
When it’s all said and done!
Do you like to play cards?
Poker is the best,
You can take your playmate’s money.
Do you like to watch movies?
Porn is the best, why do you think
He keeps it from you?
I’ve opened the door
To the World Wide Web
Anytime you desire to
Visit someone else’s bed!
Or order online
All your little heart desires,
Put it on my credit card
I would not deny you!
Aren’t you a person
With a brain, heart and soul?
You have free will!
Think up a goal!
Do you want to be a rock star?
A celebrity? A golf pro?
Or simply become rich
And horde all your dough?
Do you want to be an astronaut?
The President? The Pope?
Nothing is too out of reach
For in this world to hope.
I am your foster father
But you can call me dad
And soon you will forget
The life you may have had
With your real Father
The strict but distant one.
I am right here,
Let’s have some fun!