City of Angels
1/12/25 3:51 PM
Ruth Johnson
The City of Angels is burning,
Where did the angels go?
Or, perhaps they are still there,
Only fallen, and slow?
Are they gloating in the madness?
Gulping in the smoke?
As the flames rise high
Into the sky
Reveling in the stolen hope
Of countless souls
Beaten and battered
As they take from them
The things that mattered?
A home, a child, a pet,
Memories untold,
Precious pictures,
Priceless heirlooms,
Reduced to ash
And yet,
Life goes on for those who fled,
The clothes still on their back,
The ones who turn and see
Their colors turn to black.
A staggering loss
Befalls a nation,
The devastation
Of God’s Creation.
Do those angels chortle in glee
At all the wreckage that they see?
The City of Angels has fallen,
Now is lost to all,
In the midst of winter,
Following the fall.
A fated city,
Now rubble and robbed
Of parks and playgrounds
By looters is mobbed.
The embers are still smoldering,
The sky still wreaks of death,
As rabble sift through ashes
To choke out its last breath.
The world is still in shock,
The loss has not sunk in,
Airwaves full of talk
About rebuilding again.
That will never happen,
It will never be the same,
The City of Angels has fallen
To spite God’s Holy Name.
Evil nestled in
Beneath the city streets,
The stench and rot
That evil brings
Results in the defeat
Of everything it touches,
It brings the taint of hell,
Fire and brimstone,
Sulfur and gases
The poisoning of passions
It cannot fulfill.
The place was aptly named,
The homes housed the stars,
But then the angels came
And carried things too far.
The sacrifices made
For fortune and fame
Are flooding the sewers
With agony and pain.
Which so much blood flowing
Underneath the ground
The only thing that could be done
Was burn the whole thing down.
The City of Angels is burning
And we should not be surprised,
For this city full of glitter
Was built on sand
And lies.
Photos courtesy Depositphotos