PDF, Poem, Vision

13 Scrolls of the REVELATION of the FATHER’S LOVE – Donald E Taylor

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

13 Scrolls of the REVELATION of the FATHER’S LOVE

1/13/25 9:09 PM
Donald E Taylor

Greetings Everyone in the name of Yehsua

Sending out these 13 scrolls of the REVELATION of the FATHER’S LOVE in obedience to the command of the Lord. This is a token of the BOOK of 100 POEMS to be released in a few days. The FIRST release of a Trilogy set.
Please let me know if you have any difficulty in opening up the link. In the 13 SCROLLS you will find the Journey of the Bride that the Father has outlined in this prophecy given in the summer of 1993.
May this be a seed to be planted into the hearts of the last generation to bring forth much fruit in this hour.

Sincerely, Donald E Taylor

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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