The Final Countdown Has Begun – Rachel Baxter
The day draws near. It is so very near. You can feel the closeness of the hour that will come upon you like a thief in the night. (1 Thess. 5:2)
I will not forsake those that call upon my name. Now is the time to call out to me and be redeemed from the lost sheep. (Matt. 15:24). Call out to me and I will answer you. You were lost but now you are found. You have been found amongst a den of thieves. (Jer 7:11). You are surrounded by a den of robbers, but you can come out of them and be saved. You do not have to be like your brothers who are lost. Call on the One that saves, Yeshua, and be saved this day. (Romans 10:13)
Do not settle for cheap grace. Upon salvation, cling to me. Lock eyes on me and do not let go of my gaze. Allow me to lead you up and out of the pig pen into the glorious light of my true grace. To follow looks like something. It will look like forsaking all else, just as Jesus’ disciples did. (Matthew 4, Mark 1, Luke 5). Do not think that to follow me will be easy. Do not suppose that it will cause you to prosper on this earth just because you reclaim your heritage. There will be a price and it will be heavy, but Jesus’ has already paid it once and for all. (Gal 3:13-15)
There is one among you who must come out. There is one among you who has been hiding but I say this day, you cannot hide from me. You have never hidden from me though you hide from this world. It is time to come out of hiding and be who I created you to be. Fear not because my grace is sufficient. (2 Corin 12:9)
Come out of this world. (Rev 18:4) Oh, time is short. Stop wasting time and do what I created you to do. The clock nears the midnight hour and yet you slumber. Go to sleep then, and never wake up. For the time will pass you by.
5, 4, 3, 2, 1… the countdown, the final countdown has begun. The dress rehearsals are over and this is the real show. You are about to see the pages of Revelations unfold in front of your eyes, sleeping or awake.
You do not believe me? See this. The sign I have placed in the heavens shall come to pass, and then you will know that the season of the end, the season your forefather’s spoke about is upon you. (Rev. 12)
North Korea? Do not fear North Korea. Fear me. Fear the great and terrible day of the Lord for it shall come just as I said and there will be no day like it. (Zeph. 1:14-15) Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Turkey – all trembling pots near boiling over from the heat of my indignation. (Isaiah 34:2-8)
America, land of the free? No, that season is come to pass. You have taken my gift of freedom and spit in disgust. You have ravaged my children and caused death of mind, body, and soul. You have done this, oh children of Satan. You lost sight of who I created you to be, the true purpose of this nation. You turned away from me and have chosen a life of sin. (Galatians 5:19-21) What once was will be no more. The last great nation to come to be shall be the first of the great nations to fall at the time of the end. You will be ravaged by your enemies, just as you have killed your own babies day after day. Then, there will be blood in the streets as there has never been before in this nation. Mothers and fathers will cry out for the dead. Children will weep parentless. You will feel the tears that I have wept for generations now in this nation, but you will find no comfort.
You worship money so it will fail you. Your stock market will collapse under the weight of the deception that runs rampant. Your banks will fail you. You cling to money as if it can save you, but it can’t. It will fail you when you feel you need it the most. (1 Tim. 6:10)
Be assured, oh children of the one true God. There will be a transfer of wealth but it will be supernatural. It will confound those of the earth for they who are of this earth will not be able to make sense of it. I will have my treasure and it will be for my glory alone. I will build my mountains on this earth. (Isaiah 2:2). I will build every one, even as the mountains of this earth under Satan are torn down stone by stone, and brick by brick, not by human hands. (Daniel 2:44-45)
The fall is coming this fall. Yes, I say it. This fall the mighty fall will begin in earnest and there will be no slowing, just as I have said through my prophets for thousands of years, it will happen. (Isaiah 13)
Do you want to test me? Do you want to see how far you can push things? Foolish children, don’t you know it is wise to fear the Lord
Your God (Prov. 9:10), for there is none like Him. He is mighty and He is mighty to save. Do not test me. Instead, turn from your wicked ways and go as I tell you to go.
The days of a passive posture are gone. It is time to stand ready. Move as I say move. You must be ready for my orders will be passed out, and if you are not in position, you will be passed over.
Do not be passed over children! Accept your commissioning now, even at this word. Enter into covenant with me. I do not say this lightly. I am a covenant God and if you do not yet know my ways, you must learn them. (Jeremiah 31:31-34) I am stirring hearts to come back to my ways, the ancient paths that are straight and narrow. You can trust that I will also stir minds to understanding my ways as the time is short, fore I make a way.
My son came not to abolish the law but to fulfill it. (Matt 5:17-21) He did this, and you are to follow His example. Knock and the door will be opened to you. Seek and you will find. (Matt. 7:7-8). My ways are not hard and they are not impossible. To follow my ways is to begin to know me and who I am. It is why you were created – to know me, for us to walk together in the cool of the day in relationship. (Gen. 3:8). I know you, but you do not know me because you have not taken the time to seek me in My Word. Instead, you blindly accept the ways of the world. Do you not know that this is a perverse generation given over to every kind of evil? Why would you expect to find truth in the world?
Do you think you can find truth in the churches. Which one holds the truth? (There are literally thousands upon thousands if different “Christian” denominations worldwide today.)
I tell you the truth. My Word is the only truth. It can only be found through my son Jesus Christ. (John 14:6) Holy Spirit is my gift to you to open every Word to your understanding. (John 14:26). Begin to bathe yourself in My Word and see if the filth of this world begins to come off of you!
This is a hard word and my children don’t want to hear hard words, but it is time for the rod of correction to come. (Prob 13:24) I tell you that where my word is there my Heart will be also, and my Holy Spirit in great measure. I have the elixir for what ails you and you will not find it anywhere else.
At the time of the end, if you are not mine, then you are Satan’s. There will be no middle ground. My children will face much persecution, but you will walk in light like never before. No good gift will I withhold you so that you may go about my business until the very last day at the final trump. (1 Corin. 15:52). For those who my son will say “I did not know you”, the days ahead will be darker than you can bare. (Matt 7:21-23) You will wish for death but it will escape you. (Rev 9:6) Torment in this life will be yours, and in the life to come.
Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven draws near. (Matt 4:17)