NWO, Revelation


Photos courtesy Depositphotos


January 30, 2024 7:49 PM
Olasubomi Williams
Note: This is a personal revelation I received from YAH in my alone time. This message is a full on detail as to who really controls the world and the events that is to come. I am inserting YAH here because this is also a prophetic message. Please don’t take this as gospel and take it to Yahusha our messiah and to the Holy Spirit to confirm the message for you. I am human and I might be wrong in certain things. However, Yah has made it clear that I share this message with you all on this platform so here it is. Again, confirm this message with the word of God and be blessed.
P.S: Also, I might add children because when YAH was speaking to me, he mentioned children so I have to go with what was written in the note and I’ll try my possible best not to edit or change any words.

Revelations 12 and 13, 2 Thessalonians 2, Isaiah 13, Isaiah 9:5-17, Isaiah 1:18-20, Daniel 2:24-45, 11:29-45, 12, Genesis 6:1-7

The deep state exists and it’s not only in America but in all parts of the world. Hollywood, Big Pharma, Big Tech, every mega corporation and every government are all part of the deep state. Operations in the deep state include: Human trafficking, blood rituals, satanic worship, psychological operations (psy-ops), governmental control, state control, worldwide surveillance, adrenochrome and stem cell research as well as nephilim/clone creation, one world order religion, CERN operations, child sacrifice, controlled terrorism to cause fear in the hearts of men, misinformation, dehumanization programs and so much more. They have a network of operations all over the world with agents that are otherworldly. Many of the agents are skin walkers meaning they wear the skin of men to camouflage themselves as humans meanwhile they are not. They are entities from the second heaven or the black sea. Yes my children, the vast emptiness of space is a sea of some sort. It is the darkness that covers the second heaven in order to hide the operations of darkness that is going on in the world. Many of these otherworldly beings operate under the spiritual veil that covers the earth from these spiritual entities and many of the elites and wicked men are trying to break that spiritual covering through otherworldly means. The spiritual covering am talking about is the firmaments. Yes my children, the firmaments acts as a shield that protects humanity from these wicked entities. The firmaments are held in place by the Holy Spirit and if the holy spirit is taken out of the way, the firmaments will be destroyed and there will be nothing stopping these beings from entering into you atmosphere. The way they are destroying the firmaments is:

1. CERN: through their large hadron collider and
2. Through the increase of sin in the whole world.
The deep state controls the flow of informational over the world. They monitor it through the ever watching eye of artificial intelligence. The Vatican is using the LUCIFER telescope to observe the coming of Nibiru so that they can prepare for the coming of the three days of darkness but more importantly, they are calculating the speed and trajectory of Nibiru (The wicked planet or Planet X) and where it will land.

My son, tell my people that the times to come will be unlike any other. It will be completely unpredictable. These entities and the wicked ones that walk with them will taste my wrath. They will be allowed to perform their evil for a time. However, they will all come to a sudden abrupt end and will never be remembered again. The deep state along with the American government have been performing a wicked and diabolical experiment called MK-ULTRA. This experiment started 10 years after world war two. It is as a consequence of forbidden information gotten by the nephilims that this experiment is still thriving till today. As a way of completely turning the average American people into mind numbing and killing zombies who is given orders and directives at command to kill anyone and anything. They performed this operation using all forms of psychological torture, trauma, psychedelics such as LSD, Oklahoma drugs and Ahyuwashkha, mind control techniques, and witchcraft to turn an average American or an average person for that matter into a cold blooded murderer. This experiment is still going on underground and now they have found a way to control the masses and the world at large into mind controlling robots. The culmination of this experiment will lead to the mark of the beast.
Children, do not be deceived. The mark of the beast is not just one mark, it is multiple. Read Revelations 19:20-21 for more understanding. RFID nanobot implant and vaccines will be inserted into your bloodstream and it will attach itself to your red blood cells. It will then send a ping back to the center control room which acts as a c2 (Command and Control) device that will allow access to your bio-information and it will bind to your brain receptors so that any form of independent thinking would be removed from the body. It will emit a frequency that will lower the human vibrational frequency given to man by I YAH and it will reach a frequency that will allow a man to be completely controlled. My children, check the information of the hacking stages of a victim computer online and see where that gets you. However, that is just the least of it. There is also a payload vaccine that will install graphite as a payload to the blood. Graphite in the bloodstream is extremely dangerous as it can knock off the structure of the DNA and it will implant other foreign substance into the blood stream. The vaccines will also come with the reptilian DNA which is a human malware. When reptilian DNA merges with human DNA, it changes the DNA shape and form from a double helix signature to the triple helix signature. The third helix acts as a backdoor for satan to enter into the human body and fully control it from the brain to the entire body. This payload will also come in pills and injectable. Once the signal is given for the command and control center, the people who receive this devices will instantly become zombies/robots. All of a sudden, every form of individuality is gone and any form of repentance is obsolete. They will either become maniacs or completely compliant to the beast system AKA slaves.

These RFID technologies will be controlled by 6G, 5G, 4G, 3G, 2G, and 1G internet connectivity. 6G and 5G are backwards compatible meaning they will work perfectly with older generations of the internet with perfect accuracy and efficiency.
The fallen ones will also introduce several forms of otherworldly technologies to the masses. My children, do not receive them because these technologies can completely shut down your frequencies and erase my spirit in you. satan makes a mockery of what I do by making copycats of the same idea and perverts it. Many do not know the twisted mind of satan and how truly wicked he is. He is highly depraved and will cross any boundaries to achieve his goals. There are people going around, leading organizations and companies and even your everyday workers on the streets who are skin walkers. Nephilims in human flesh and they are everywhere. Not everyone you see around you are humans. The deep state is currently working hard on their brand new project with Obama in the shadows watching as all these things unfold. The project name of the beast system is titled “The Patriot Act”(Please do not come after me, I did not steal TMV prophecies. This is what YAH told me himself). This act will allow the ruler of America and the head of the beast system to consolidate power from the people and establish laws to make the fallen entities co-inhabit with the seed of men. It is also called the “Intergalactic federation law” that will be coined by the United Nations. The law of peace and safety. But just as clay does not mix with iron, so too these ones not mingle themselves with men. It’s all one big psyop by the devil to cause chaos upon the world.

Children, when the whole head is sick the body is also sick. Speaking of which, transhumanism is another form of iron mingling with clay. A transhumanist society is a society that lacks the power of YAH. The people who replace and damage their bodies for physical augmentations which will be fully funded by big pharma, supplied with the technology and the knowledge of the fallen/nephilim will not enter my kingdom. The technology will be so advanced that many in the medical and scientific field will droll all over these technologies and they will be very eager to learn it. This too will also be controlled by the governments of the world, but it will not last. The beast system is a system that has a shaky foundation and its house is built upon the sand. The rain came (Tsunamis and endless floods), the wind blew (Worldwide cataclysmic natural disasters) and the sun shined (God’s wrath poured upon the whole earth) and the house completely collapsed. It is a fake system, a facade, an illusion but to those who are perishing, it is like a dream come true.

There is also one last bit I want to tell you all my children and that is genetic modification devices. I beg of you please do not take this. It turns a man from a human into a modded human meaning he/she is no longer human. Genetic modification vaccines allows a man to do and perform some incredible feats that would not have been done otherwise. Rapid healing, heightened senses, heightened speed, beyond human level strength but at the cost of your soul. All these and more I have unveiled into this servant. Everything he says is true and it will come to pass. Many of my people are already subjected to the psyops that the enemy has placed on them. Many are walking to and fro without my helmet of salvation. My children, they are implanting poison in your food, keeping you sick. Witches are going around and cursing people’s food with their witchcraft and destroying people’s lives with their wickedness. They are poisoning your food, water, air, and even your clothes so that they can control you better. Use the power of my son’s blood and the Holy Spirit to destroy the works of darkness. Also, Obey me. Pray before you eat your foods. Anoint your foods or your mouths with prayer oil before eating and plead the blood of my son Yahusha against all forces of darkness in your lives. Give all glory to me YAH, Love me, praise me, adorn me, and worship me with all your heart, mind and soul. Come into the secret place with me and let us speak. Pray and fast, and again obey me. Pray prayers of deliverances, protections, supplications and warfare and I will hear you. Repent swiftly if you have sinned against me and purify your garments and make it holy in order to stand in that day spotless and clean before me.

To the lukewarm and rebellious, if you are willing to turn and obey, you will eat the good of the land. However, if you refuse and rebel, the sword of the wicked shall fall upon you. Be blessed my beloved children. Your King, Your God, YAH.

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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