April 25, 2024 5:03 PM
Todd Andrew Farley
Biblical foundation(s):
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7 (NKJV) “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.” 1 John 4:18 (NKJV) “Or do you despise the riches of his kindness and forbearance and patience? Do you not realize that God’s kindness is meant to lead you to repentance?” Romans 4:2 (NRSV)
If you are trapped in a stronghold of fear (An ongoing battle) or in constant fear (Torment), then to find your freedom through the blood and name of Jesus, your first step is laying it (And yourself) on “the altar” and repenting to God and trusting Him as you make a stand- if you’re tired of fear and its affect on your life and your walk. (If you’re not battling this, praise God! But maybe there’s someone you know who might need this, if so please share it with them prayerfully and as led!)
He tells us 365 times in the Word, to fear not! (It’s a process, I’m not picking on you, but encouraging you for making it here; I believe The Father drew you to this- and this is your day to be free!)
“Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.” John 8:36 (NKJV)
If you’re ready to come out of agreement with fear; and into agreement with the many promises of The Living Word, then this is step one:
Ask for forgiveness of any and ALL fear, plus any other sin; this specific prayer is for “fear only” or to conquer the spirit of fear in your life; by what our King and Savior has already “finished” or paid the debt for.
The critical thing in repentance is turning from further “agreement” with the lies of the evil one or his minions, so he can no longer take advantage of you in this arena. We need to close the open door of any agreement that is opposite of God’s word; then the accuser of the brethren no longer has a case as you revoke his legal rights against you, through the power of the blood and the Name above all names! (Jesus/Y’shua!)
What follows is a prayer model; use it or pray (out loud) as is, or modify with your hearts words (speak out loud):
Heavenly Father,
In the mighty Name above all Names (JESUS!) I come to you with praise and thanksgiving. I praise the name of your Son above all other names! Thank you for my breath, my heartbeat, for a roof over my head, for food today, for all of the things I sometimes take for granted. I am especially grateful for the “Children’s bread” and the breaking of chains in my life that would hinder my walk and Your will for me!
Help me and shift me from a lens of fear, to a lens of excitement, so I become an over-comer, and endure until the end, for Your plans and purposes that You have ordained for me before the foundations of the earth!
Help me to enter in to the promised land and dispossess my spiritual enemies from my soul, or my mind, will and emotions!
I repent, renounce, and come out of agreement with the spirit of fear, angst, trepidation, terror, or panic attacks. Your word tells me you don’t give me a spirit of fear, but love, power and a sound mind! I repent of any related doubt or lack of faith, or anything else unknown that could have opened this legal door for the adversary to pounce! (1 Peter 5:8)
I appropriate the blood of the Lamb and apply the sprinkling of the blood (1 Peter 1:2) over myself from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet. Your word says when I confess my sins, You are faithful and just to forgive me of them! (1 John 1:9)
I prophecy destruction and desolation to the assignment of fear against my life; I am and will continue to be a bold witness to truth; and reject the lies of the evil one!
I now declare in faith: “I am FREE indeed, from agreement with the spirit of fear, in the mighty name of Jesus!”
Thank you Father, and I petition for warring and ministering angels to immediately surround and enforce the eviction of this spiritual enemy; if God be for me, who can be against me?
Step 2: (Speak out loud)
I take authority according to Luke 10:19, and I bind the strongman of fear oppressing me, and I COMMAND it and any demons working for it, to cease and desist in the mighty name of Jesus!
Your legal rights are broken by the blood of the Sinless Lamb, and by the word of my testimony and my repentance to my Heavenly Father is now recorded!
I also bind and break emotional turbulence, anger, outbursts, paranoia, and anxiety connected to the spirit of fear, in the name of Jesus. I refuse to entertain, host or partner with the spirit of fear.
Authorized by scripture in power and authority in Jesus’s name, I now command you to: GET OUT/GO, and never come back! Leave my body, this is the temple of the Holy Spirit!
I loose and receive perfect love of my First Love (Jesus!) and in faith and power/authority through His name alone, I cast you down and OUT spirit of fear, NOW!
Now breath, cough, yawn or spit it out- if that happens, go with it and let it out!
(You may feel some physical manifestation, yawning especially but other things possibly- that’s good and don’t fear it!) Go with the leading of the Lord through His Holy Spirit. It’s not about what we feel, but you should feel/sense or know that it’s come out or gone after these commands!)
It’s fairly rare, but if you feel nothing then still KNOW (in faith!) that it’s done and finished! Without faith, it is impossible to please God!
Thank you Jesus, I praise your Holy Name! Lord, loose your Holy Spirit and increase the fruit of the Spirit into my life, fill me with your living water, and let the well of living water rise in me, in Jesus mighty name, so I can be a bold witness and testimony for you! (See Revelation 12:11)
Give me a spirit of boldness, excellence and steadfastness; so I will endure until the end as an over-comer in You at the end of the age! Thank you for the children’s bread and the victory You have finished…
Hallelujah and amen!
*This healing prayer/decree was inspired and written by the Spirit of Truth (aka: The Holy Spirit!) in me. Please feel free to share w/loved one’s who believe but are battling or stuck; time is short!
This prayer above is a MODEL, of course you may adapt it for yourself in personal use or use it as is! IF you have more significant challenges or issues, please pray to the Lord to lead you to a ministry that will join you in biblical and Holy Spirit led prayer for healing. Some issues in many of us, are more severe or go to “roots” way back in our lives, trauma, abuse, rejection or even rituals performed on us or dedications generationally some never knew about.
We must get the ROOTS out, or the enemy can attack us harder if we do not. The blood HAS made the way, we just must appropriate it against the enemy and his minions. Anyone who tells you or teaches that “The Children’s bread” (healing/deliverance) is not needed for the Body of Christ, is in serious error or deception, and makes themselves a false teacher.
True born again believers in Christ are never possessed, but many are oppressed by the spirits the bible names for us!
We all are accountable to the King of Glory up ahead, for every idle word (See Matthew 12:36) and the minute we publicly share or teach, we have a stricter judgment. Run from people (and pray for them!) that tell you “healing and deliverance” is false, or that the Holy Spirit was only moving in power for the apostles or disciples, and not today! Without the spiritual guidance of the Holy Spirit, people will be lost in the weeks, months and years to come- for we are in the last leg of this race!
If you’re born again and have the GOOD kind of fear (The fear of the Lord/YAH), then you have nothing to fear on earth; the Holy One of Israel, the Lion of Judah, holds you in His mighty and righteous right hand- and you were chosen, picked and placed here on earth, for a time such as this!
T. Andrew Farley / Indianapolis, IN
Photos courtesy Depositphotos