Revelation 13 and the Fire in the big city.
(Two visions)
December 11, 2023 12:21 PM
December 12, 2023
Revelation 13:8&16(KJV) 8. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. 16. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: (we recommend for all to read the whole chapter)
Here are two visions and dreams I am given in December of this year. At this point in time, nothing can be seen as a separate events. Everything is connected. On seeing the second vison given bellow and the connection to what was posted in this website earlier, do not be surprised by what was revealed for us long before October 7, 2023, which is to be remembered for long in history.
December 9, 2023. 3:00A
Meteor impact and Rv.13
I received an understanding and words about meteor strike and a great shaking. I read and understood the word but when I woke up, I don’t remember what the words were. It is to the effect of Meteor strike and a great shaking and I am given Revelation 13.
Revelation 13 is about the beast, the beast system and the Mark of the beast.
As I understand, this revelation is warning us after the meteor strike and the start of the sever tribulation follows the short lived beast system.
This is the warning that the shaking is near.
December 10, 2023. 3:00AM
The big “Fire” in the city.
To the left on the far side of the east, I see a city with high-rise buildings compacted together. I see a big fire burning. The whole city is on fire and expanding. It is going to explode like “boiling milk”. I am very alarmed. I am about to shout to warn the danger. It is almost going to grow bigger and explode destroying everything in the city and beyond. In my distress, I hear some one to the right shouting very loudly saying “Fire!” The shout of the person looks it can be heard to the far end of the world.
The city on fire is the same city I saw on June 2, 2023-It is the city of “Gaza”
In this vision what is going on as ”Fire” is the guns, the bombs, the missiles and the rockets.
The war is expanding.
I recommend the readers to see the revelation I am given on June 2, 2023 and and connect it to this vision of the city on fire above. This was an early warning of the event of October 7, 2023.
The events of October 7, 2023 was revealed to us four months before the start of the war.
One statement from the vision posted on this website on June 27, 2023 reads:-
“First, I see a war, few armed men invading and attacking people in a small section of a village. This is an active war.
Second, a little further from the war zone, I see ruins of a city. It started from a periphery of the city near the village and the ruins continued further to the east. I don’t know what the cause of the devastation is. The walls of houses, small and big buildings are destroyed, have fallen with sections of the walls left standing. I see the ruined walls of the building, brown bricks. It looks like the devastating is from war and heavy artillery.” War, Devastation and N. Explosion. JUNE 27, 2023 12:22 PM, MCKANA
From the above vision we see the few armed men attacking the vilage are “The armed men of Hamas”
The city ruined from war is the city of Gaza.
The N explosion east of the city of Gaza is ——. what is an expanded city much far east from the city of Gaza?——. Connect the dots.
Indeed we see in part and we prophesy in part.
The Lord has spoken much earlier than the events!!!!
The way events are progressing, the war expanding is going to lead to the rise of the beast system earlier than the time appointed for it. The enemy is pushing for this before many are saved.
Pushing for peace, whose peace?
Pushing for war, to what end?
Pray for the plane and mercy of the Lord.
Photos courtesy Depositphotos