Rapid Changes Are Coming in 2023
December 22, 2022 4:40 AM
Sammy Omosh
This word was given at 5am on 22/12/22.
Confirm this word with the Lord if it is true.
I had woken up at 3am to read the word and meditate silently in the kitchen as others were asleep {I didn’t want to distract their sleep.} I tried to go back to sleep when this word came to me, beginning with the very title of this message. Then I began to write on my notebook.
Thus says the Lord. Many rapid changes are coming on the Earth in 2023. New Technology will emerge in science and Technology that will be used against us. Many jugments will be meted out by the hand of almighty God in various locations globally. Many Ministers of the word [False priesthood] will be judged instantly and will not even know what hit them! It will be swift and sudden, {The Lord keeps showing me this.} Fireballs will fall from above.
{ON 17/12/22, I see in a vision, a man calling me from the U.A.E and tells me a building is on fire.
The same week a friend of mine tells me, he saw in a dream 12 buildings are blazing with Fire simultaneously.}
There will be Big Earthquakes and floods will inundate much landscape. Much shakings will intensify in various sectors and dimensions in Life, There will be emergence of new plaques deadly than corona {you read my previous posting.}
On the other hand, prophecies will be a reality.What was prophesied will be fulfilled quickly. Equally will be the promises of God ie drems and visions that you have been shown. Prayers of yesteryears will be answered suddenly according to His Will.{I wanted a confirmation of this and i got to see the Truck on the road inscribed on the wind shield with the words-Answered Prayer.} Some of us will be shifted to New Geographical locations {Be sensitive when the LORD moves you {I have seen in dreams folks I know in New pllaces of Abode.Even 2 days ago i saw it.} The Spirit of God will increase in you and the Logos Word will spread faster to the four corners of the Earth [Acts 12:24] It will bring joy and revive the Captives and the Opressed.[Acts13:52] You shall command a thing in Faith and it will happen. This will cause a shift in your Witness. Many miracles will take place, you will see this with your own eyes- you will not be told. Remnants who will be on the Earth until 2026, this will be your daily occurence {or i say menu’} That is the unusual word i heard in the wee hours of today.
May the Lord bless you.
Psalm37:22 and Acts 13;34
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