November 6, 2021
Julie Whedbee
I am a son/daughter of the Most High God Yahuah (Gal. 3:26) and I was chosen before the foundation of the world, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, and Father’s special and treasured possession. (1 Pet.2:9-10) (Exo.19:5) (Eph.1:3-16) My citizenship is in Heaven. (Phil.3:20-21) I am blessed in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing, seated in heavenly realms and I am His workmanship. (Eph.2:6,10) He declares I will judge angels. (1 Cor.6:3) I am made in my Father’s image (Gen.1:27) and I am altogether beautiful to Him. (Song of Sol. 4:7) He knows me intimately. (Psa.139:1) (Jer.1:5) I am not a slave but an heir (Gal. 4:7) and also His friend. (John 15:15) I am precious and honored in my Father’s eyes. (Isa.43:4) Because I share in His sufferings, I will share in Yahushua’s glory. (Rom:8:17) My body is His temple and He is enthroned on my heart. (1 Cor.6:19)
I am a new creation and death has no hold on me. (2 Cor.5:17) Satan, nothing will separate me from the love of my Father, my Messiah, my King; not death or life, angels or your demons or dark kingdom, not the present or the future, or any powers; nothing else in all creation can separate me from Him, the Almighty Creator who created me. I am more than a conqueror (Rom.8:37-39) and I am His ambassador (2 Cor. 5:20). I am set apart for His purposes. (Eph.1:11) I am complete in Him, halleluYAH! (Col.2:10) I am the salt of the earth (Matt.5:13-16) and I will let my light shine before others that they may see my Father’s good deeds and glorify Him in Heaven. He works through me to His good pleasure. (Phil. 2:13) I can do all things through Him because He strengthens me (Phil.4:13) and He is my Source. (Phil.4:19)
I am redeemed (Gal.3:13), justified freely by His grace (Rom.3:23-24). I am no longer condemned but free from the law of sin and death (Rom.8:1-2). I have been set free by Yahushua’s blood sacrifice on the Cross of Calvary. (Eph.1:7) It is no longer I who live but Yahushua who lives in me because He gave Himself for me. (Gal.2:20) Greater is He who lives in me than you satan who are in the world. (1John 4:4) Yahushua is my Righteousness, my Yaweh Tsidqenu. His robe of righteousness covers me. (2 Cor.5:21) I am in covenant with the Most High Holy Yahuah, His Son Yahushua, His Ruach Ha Kodesh (Holy Spirit) and no weapon of yours formed against me or targeting me in any way, especially through those closest to me will prosper. (Isa.54:17)
In the holy and most powerful name of Yahushua Ha Mashiach, I command you satan and all your dark kingdom to be bound, chained and sent to Yahushua for judgment immediately! You are already condemned (John 16:11) and I command you leave my presence at once (Matt.4:10). You will not have any influence over me whatsoever through my family members, friends, co-workers, or any other relationships or connections to people I may have. Your power is useless and ineffectual as I am a blood bought child and my victory is already won as Yahushua paid the ultimate price with His blood. You have no permission from me to speak words of death or destruction to me through these others and I ask Yahushua to gag you, stop your ears and isolate you from the other dark spirits you work with so your attacks against me are immediately in this moment halted altogether. (Matt.18:18) I declare that your curses and accusations, lies and filthy behavior be stopped at once and you go to Yahushua for judgment. Get behind me satan!! (Matt.16:23)
I loose in the holy and most powerful name of Yahushua Ha Mashiach all of the fruits of the spirit over each and every person I come in contact with, that they would come into an intimate relationship with Yahushua as He is the only Son of Yahuah (Father) and pray the protection of Yahushua’s blood covering over each person as a defense against the enemy. (Lev.17:11) (Heb.9:11-15) I pray and intercede for those in my life and those I come into contact who are not walking in the truth of His Holy Word. (1 Tim.2:4) I pray that they would come to the knowledge of how they are being used by the enemy and repent, so that they may know freedom in Yahushua through the fruits of the spirit being love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith and self-control. (Gal.5:22-23)
I will boldly and with great faith and great courage, carry out the commands of my Father in obedience and I do not fear you satan or your dark kingdom. My Yahuah (Father) goes with me wherever I go (Jos.1:9), and He will never leave me or forsake me. (Heb.13:5) I am His for all eternity, and His truth stands forever! (Psa.33:11)
AMEN AND AMEN, come precious Yahushua!!!