Our Betrothed – Diana Pulliam
Thursday, June 29, 2017
The afternoon of June 24, 2017, I had an encounter with the Father, which not only transformed my heart, but gave me a glimpse of the Father’s amazing love for His Son.
Since posting ‘The Proposal’ on June 12th, and receiving the instruction to “Prepare Yourself for Him,” I’ve been consumed with the task, and had been asking, “Lord, show me how to prepare!”
I’d entered a time of prayer and fasting the previous evening, and shortly after noon on the 24th, was sitting on my sofa singing praises to the Lord. All of a sudden, I felt an indescribable explosion of LOVE fill my heart, and instantly knew it was the Love of the Father for His Son. Tears began to flow as I spoke the following by revelation and inspiration of the Holy Spirit:
“Father, you love Him so!”
“He is so precious to you!”
“I know you are fulfilling your promises to Him.”
“Please give Him your very best.”
“Lord, I ask You to remove me if I’m not your best for Him!”
I then asked to be given understanding, and to know His will in these matters, and covenanted with Him to do whatever he asked of me.
The Father Answers
As I sat stunned by the immense Love still flooding my heart to overflow, I heard the following:
“He is your Betrothed.”
“You must remove every vestige of previous lovers from your dwelling.”
“Your primary job will be to continually seek ME in prayer and fastings.”
“You are to receive from your Bridegroom and be a witness to Him.”
“I have prepared you for Him!”
“He will spread His covering over you!”
I was then prompted to “whisper” to the Bridegroom, “I love you!”
The Bride is being positioned to “reciprocate” the love the Bridegroom has for her. He’s beginning to move the Bride into position to freely give back the love without it being selfish or fleshly. Through the ages,whenever the Body of Christ would begin in the Spirit, “I love you Lord with all my heart,” it eventually became self-centered, “Bless me, give me…”
This is going to change! The Bride will no longer be demanding of God to fulfill the things and desires of this world, but to yield to His will alone!The Bride wants the absolute best for her Bridegroom, even if it means she be found unfit and cast away. This is truly about becoming a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1). He’s preparing the Bride for the union with the Bridegroom!
The Father’s answer tells us our part in preparing for our Beloved:
“He is your Betrothed.”
“…For I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you a chaste virgin to Christ.” (2 Corinthians 11:2) We must consecrate and separate ourselves unto Him alone – forsaking all others.
“You are to receive from your Bridegroom and be a witness to Him.”
As we separate and consecrate ourselves only unto Him, we’re given the keys to the Kingdom. (Matt. 16:19)
He will freely give us all things! (Romans 8:32)
We’re now to be witnesses to our Beloved to the ends of the earth. (Acts 1:8)
It’s by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony, that Satan himself will be defeated! (Revelation 12:11)
“I have prepared you for Him!”
I have to say, when I heard these words, my heart soared! The Word tells us many are called, but few are chosen (Matthew 22:14).
The Father has promised His Son, Jesus, a bride without spot or wrinkle (Eph. 5:27).Once we accept His proposal of marriage, preparation for the marriage begins! The Bride must then make herself ready (Rev. 19:7).
Saints, this process requires our active participation. The days just ahead will be filled with calamities and terror in the natural realm like mankind has never seen. Ah, but the Lord is preparing a people! His people, the very Bride of Christ, will be used mightily in the biggest rescue mission ever to hit the planet!
The prophet Daniel talked about a time when, “…the people who know their God shall be strong, and do great exploits” (Daniel 11:32).
Jesus said those who believe in Him would do even greater works than He did (John 14:12). My question is, why are we not seeing greater works than Jesus did?
This requires our receiving from the Bridegroom everything He died to give us. We must then begin to walk it out; to walk in the power, dominion, and authority of Jesus (Luke 10:19). Jesus said, “I give you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means harm you.”
Saints, our Bridegroom is beckoning us, “Come! Receive of Me. Be a witness unto Me, and I will spread My covering over you!”
To Be Continued
God willing, I’ll soon share more of what the Lord’s revealed about His protective covering, along with the three distinct levels of warfare which will play out in the days ahead.