
Now Is The Hour That You Must Stay Close To Me! – Cryptic1

Now Is The Hour That You Must Stay Close To Me!

March 12, 2020 5;00 PM

Message given 3.9.20

At work, while at lunch I happened to glance at the clock on my computer. It read 11:11 a.m. Then I received this message.

Daughter, My children are in panic mode. The world is in panic over this pandemic virus. It is but the first of many to come, each deadlier than the last. My children, I would have you rest in Me and not be in fear as the world is walking in fear and oppression. I told you I would provide for My own but you must abide in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches. Now is the hour that you must stay close to Me, closer than you have ever been! There will be storms, there will be violent weather coming upon your earth. Many abodes will not be able to withstand the force and power of My mighty storms which I am releasing soon.

I have told you to prepare. Now is the hour to walk in obedience to Me, your Savior and Lord Yeshua. Many are shaken and fearful of what they see and what will come. My children, look to Me! Seek Me in everything that you do. Even the littlest action requires My sure hand to guide you. I will never leave nor forsake My own, but you must draw near to Me. Find Me in My Word where My Holy Spirit will illuminate the words you need to hear. Speak forth My Word in praise, in rebuke, in calling the sinner to repentance. There is power in My Gospel! But you must speak it in order for those who do not know Me to hear the Message of Salvation!

I call upon My army, My remnant to rise up! The time is here to do My Father’s will and to bring the lost into the Kingdom. It is harvest time! As judgments fall upon the earth, many will seek to know Me. My sheep will return to the fold and enter into the heavenly gates. My bride will rise up to show them who I AM IS! They will be a shining light in a world that is being thrust into utter darkness!

Put on your armor daily, children! Before you go to bed and when you arise in the morning! Place My blood over your abodes, over your loved ones, over your pets, over your possessions, your vehicles, your workplace and your family members from afar. There is power in My blood which has redeemed the world and will protect you in this time! Satan will soon be unleashed upon this earth along with his host of angels. Prepare your hearts My children for what is to come! Do not fear the sights and sounds that will come upon this earth, only look to Me your Savior Yeshua! I alone can save! I alone can bring you through the devastation and destruction that will come to pass!

Look to Me in the clouds of glory My children for I come soon!

Your mighty King Yeshua HaMashiach

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