Melinda Goss
January 13, 2019 9:56 PM
Message Of Love From The Father
Brothers and Sisters…Please share with others as you as The Father leads you. Much love your Sister in Christ, Melinda January 9, 2019 During a time of praise I saw The word “Love” and then was given a writing instrument in my right hand, and with my left hand I grabbed a pen and I began to write down The Fathers words.
Love The Light of Glory will fall Descending like a dove on those who diligently seek me. Those who seek MY FACE, MY WILL! Trust and obey for this is MY perfect will, not for ME but for you. Draw close to ME and I will draw close to you. Bow down, repent, look up and seek MY face ONLY. Cast your cares on ME, I will never leave you or forsake you, I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS. Each letter, each word is a message from above filled with love…seek and you will find. Do not follow the blind! Will you hear MY voice when I call? Do you honor ME with praise? This is the way through the gates. MY children, I AM calling you to be ready. Seek truth, speak truth, love truth. Write down these words and let them know how much I LOVE THEM. From everlasting to everlasting. I AM coming soon, I will rip the skies and the seas apart. Stay in MY PURPOSE, in MY WILL….I WILL PREPARE and DELIVER YOU. Do not be afraid! The boiling will come from beneath, the fire from above. Do not be afraid Seek MY FACE You have been chosen and set apart. Trust in ME alone I WILL ANOINT I WILL PREPARE I WILL COVER YOU WITH MY SPIRIT You are MY children whom I have created. Stang strong, stand firm upon MY WORDS. I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS!!!